留学生|看完别笑!留学生的尴尬清单( 二 )

在一些大城市 , 确实有不少dealer车行为了吸引留学生买家 , 雇佣了中文导购 , 可以让同学们更便捷地买到车 。 但是一些华人较少小城市就没那么幸运了 , 还是需要大家开启实时英文对话功能 。
Sales:Hello are you looking for something in particular?
You:I’m looking for a car with appropriate price./I’m looking for XXXX mode.
Sales:What’s you budget?
You:About 15k- 20k.
Sales: I’ll recommend you XXX car it’s the best seller in our dealer.
You:Can you give me some general introductions?
Sales:Sure. What do you want to know about this car?
You : About the engine(引擎) power(马力) turbo(涡轮增压) special discounts(折扣) etc.
Sales:Sure I’ll also offer you a test drive(试驾) if you have the driver's licence with you. I’ll show you the highlights in the car.
You:That’ll be awesome. Let’s discuss about the price a little OK?
【留学生|看完别笑!留学生的尴尬清单】Sales: Surewe have 10% extra discount for students.
