进行讨论|学术Assignment写作水平怎么提高?( 二 )

We also mentioned references above.When quoting references,we must pay attention to the citation format!Academic writing is very strict in this aspect.When many teachers see that there is a problem with the quotation format,the assignment basically won't read it and is directly determined as unqualified.Returning to the"avoid using the first person"mentioned above,the correctness of the citation format is the most direct indicator to evaluate whether the assignment is objective.According to references,the teacher can easily see the students'understanding of the topic.Moreover,keeping the consistency of citation format runs through the whole process of academic English writing.Of course,you can also find"style guide"on the school website,which has specific requirements for writing format.
总的来说 , 对于海外求学的留学生来说 , 了解academic writing基础相当重要 , 因此我们建议同学们找时间对学术英语写作技巧认真研究 。 因为就算在参加工作以后 , 还是会有公司要求进行学术写作或商务沟通 。
Generally speaking,it is very important for overseas students to understand the basis of academic writing.Therefore,we suggest that students find time to seriously study academic English writing skills.Because even after taking part in the work,some companies will require academic writing or business communication.
