of|Final季来临,Literature Review你完全掌握了吗?

时许9月 , 想来有一批同学们早已逐渐越来越繁忙起来 , 每日的日常生活逐渐变为寝室——公共图书馆——洗手间三点一线 , 由于要忙着写论文了!一部分高校早已选好或是早已被分派了老师 , 有一些高校早已对外开放老师挑选 。 小编坚信许多同学们如今都对论文满怀摩拳擦掌又忐忑不安的情绪 。 一方面期待根据一篇极致的论文给自己的出国留学职业生涯画上一个完满的句点 , 另一方面又有一些茫然 , 到底该要怎么写论文 , 构造又是啥 , 与别的毕业论文又有哪些不一样这些一大波难题急待处理.

of|Final季来临,Literature Review你完全掌握了吗?

在这里Final季 , 小编会发布一系列文章内容为大伙儿解读大学毕业论文的结构 , 分成哪些一部分 , 及其每一部分改怎样写好文章 , 大家可持续关注 。
论文和大家平常写的assignment对比 , 构造更加丰富多彩 , 一共包括6个一部分 , 分别是Introduction , Literature Review , Methodology , Findings , Discussion and Conclusions , 不容置疑 , 全部论文的关键就是Literature Review , Methodology , Findings , Discussion这四个一部分 。 今日大家就先讨论一下参考文献(Literature Review)要怎么写 。
最先讨论一下参考文献究竟是什么 。 简而言之:
“参考文献是对被学界认同的专家学者和科学研究工作人员就某一主题风格发布的内容开展表明和点评 。 ”
因而 , 参考文献应当向阅读者(老师)传递出你所挑选的课题研究(topic)早已创建的专业知识和念头 , 另外根据参考文献中对reference的探讨课题研究的关键学术研究来源于 。
e.g.Many earlier studies of purchasing behavior identified two orientations of hedonic shopping and utilitarian shopping which means shopping for fun,experience or shopping rationally and process-oriented approach to shopping(Hirschman and Holbrook,1982:92;Babin et al.1994:644).Recent studies add more variations to analyze purchasing behavior.Gon?alves and Sampaio(2012:1525)took gender,income,age and involvement as moderating variables for the investigation of credit card loyalty.
除此之外 , 在参考文献中也要对你所挑选参考文献的优点(strengths)和局限(weakness)开展简评 , 便于向老师展现这种出现在你毕设中的参考文献确实被你认真仔细的科学研究过 。
下边就讨论一下 , 参考文献的目地是啥 , 也是在写这些的情况下都应当包括什么内容 。 如果你需要文献生成器的话可以看这里:https://www.lxws.net/citation/citation-generator.html
反过来的见解:e.g.Through analysis of 250 questionnaires toward one US college students about purchasing behavior of jeans,Bahng et al.(2013:367)considered major,gender and age as variables and pointed out that college students could be divided into three shopping styles.……On the contrary,Osman et al.(2011:78)claimed that there was no significant difference between gender and buying behavior in university students.
另外也必须展现不一样学者中类似的见解 , 观点 。
e.g.However,the respondents interviewed in existing article were in age of 14 to 18,and particular product has been used during the investigation.It could hypothesize international university students from UK might have similar result but brand image might have larger influence to university students as they grew older.
e.g.These previous researches only concerned with students in different countries and not include international students attitude.
【of|Final季来临,Literature Review你完全掌握了吗?】
