
又到了焦灼的申请季 , 同学们也在思考怎么书写文书(硕士篇)才可以把握住重点!本文把华威大学的一篇文书写作重点搬给大家 , 大家可以参考哦~


Your Personal Statement gives us an opportunity to find out more about you. Therefore, you should think of the Personal Statement as an opportunity to tell us about yourself and to highlight your strengths.
你的个人陈述 , 是我们了解你的一个机会 。 因此 , 你需要告诉我们关于你和突出你的优势 。
【Your|英国华威大学文书写作重点解析】It is absolutely critical that you explain to us why you have applied for your chosen course; if you fail to do so your application will be rejected, even if you meet our other admission criteria.
向我们解答清楚为什么申请非常重要 , 如果你没有解答清楚 , 即便达到要求 , 我们也不会录取 。
Remember that writing a personal statement takes time and effort – you should jot down a few points on a piece of paper before starting to write it in full.
General statements such as "I want a better job" or "I enjoy studying" are not sufficient and will count against you.
普罗大众的语句 , 比如 , “我想要找一个好工作”或者“我很喜欢学习” , 这些话太单薄 , 不足以我们了解你 , 我们就不会考虑你 。 (温馨提示:很多同学会这样写 , 我们会提示大家和给大家信息缩小大家的写作范围 , but你的学业你要操心 , 自己一定要整理好思路first!)


1. What you should say 写什么
Here are the themes that you should consider when writing your personal statement. This list is not complete, but they are likely to form the basis of your statement.more personal statement writing skills on

  • Why you want to undertake postgraduate study.
  • 选择的原因
  • Your reasons for choosing the specific course. This is vital. Saying you are interested in "business" or "management" is not sufficient.
  • 给出足够的理由例证 , 而不是“我喜欢”
  • Show to us that you understand the subject or purpose of the course. We want to be sure you have selected the correct degree programme.
  • 证明你懂课程且选择合理
  • How your first degree and/or work experience is relevant to the course, or, if you're changing direction please tell us why and explain your decisions.
  • 选择匹配的理由
  • What academic skills you have developed and how they relate to the MSc course you have chosen.
  • 为什么合适?
Personal Attributes
  • What personal skills can you offer? Again, you must explain how these skills are relevant for your study at WMG
  • 你有什么个人技能支持你的申请
  • Your future career goals.
  • 未来计划与现在学习是否有关


2. How you should say it 你应该怎么说
不要说空话 , 说能支持你申请的具体实例 。
Relate the things you say about yourself to the course applied for. Don't just say "I worked for two months at Company X"; explain its relevance: "At Company X I was involved in troubleshooting project overruns on a new product design. This made it clear to me how important project management and risk management is".
3. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
It is important to get these right. Incorrect grammar, spelling or punctuation can make it difficult for us to read and understand what you are trying to say.
