初二英语语法归纳(初二英语语法重点总结归纳)( 六 )

Would you like to do sth ? 你愿意做...?(用来提出建议或征求对方意见)
------would you like to go shopping with me ? 你想和我一起去买东西吗?
------Yes,I’d love to ,but I’m doing my homework.我想去,但是我现在正在做家庭作业。
(=Sorry, I’m doing my homework.非常抱歉,我正在做家庭作业。)
5.prepare for sth为…做准备 go to the doctor去看病have the flu 患流感help my parents给父母帮忙 have an exam考试
6. until 的用法:<1>若动词为延续性动词则用肯定句式
He studied until 21:00pm.他一直学习到晚上九点。
He didn’t go to bed until his father came back.他一直到他爸爸回来才上床睡觉。
10.study for a math test为数学考试做准备go to the party参加聚会
11.What’s today?今天几号?Its Monday,the 14th.今天星期一,十四号。
补充:what day is it today?今天星期几? it’s Monday今天星期一。
What’s the date today?今天几月几日?It’s October 20th .今天10月20日。
12.go to the doctor去看病 have a piano lesson上钢琴课
13.look after 照看,照料 = take care of
She is old to look after his brother她足够大了能够照看她的弟弟。
take good care of =look after…well好好照顾,好好照料
We should take good care of the children.= We should look after the children well.
⑴ What a∕an+adj+可数名词单数 (+主语+谓语)!
What +adj+可数名词复数∕不可数名词 (+主语+谓语)!
What a fine day (it is) !多么好的天啊! (day为可数名词单数)
What an interesting book it is !多么有趣的一本书啊!(book为可数名词单数)
What beautiful flowers they are !多么漂亮的花啊! (flowers为可数名词复数)
What bad weather it is!多么糟糕的天气啊!(weather为不可数名词)
⑵ How +adj +主语+(谓语中的)系动词! How +adv +主语+(谓语中的)实义动词!
How happy I am!我多麽高兴啊! (happy为adj,am为系动词)
How hard they are working !他们工作多么努力啊!(hard为adv,work为实义动词)
注意:在感叹句中,不得出现so,very,very much等表示程度的单词。
例如:①Our school is beautiful .
一判:beautiful为形容词;二定:beautiful为形容词,用How 来引导;三移:把Our school is移到How beautiful后面,即为感叹句How beautiful our school is!
②He is a clever boy.
一判:boy为名词;二定:boy为名词,用What来引导;三移:把He is移到What a clever boy 后面,即为感叹句What a clever boy he is!
③He studies English well.
一判:well为副词;二定:well为副词,用How 来引导;三移:把He studies移到How well后面,即为感叹句How well he studies!
练习:将下列句子变为感叹句。①The room is very bright.
② We live a happy life today. ③It is a nice present.
④This is difficult problem. ⑤She played the piano wonderfully.
16.)the (best) way to do sth:做某事的()方法 17.thanks for+名词\V?ing:为什么而感谢 18.take a trip参加郊游,at the end of this month在本月底
19.go back to+地点:回到某地 He will go back to Beijing in 2 days.两天后他将回北京。
20.have a surprise party for sb为某人举办一个惊喜的晚会
21.without+名词\代词\ V?ing:没有… He can’t finish the work without our help.(help为名词)
He went to school without having breakfast.他没有吃早饭就去上学。(have为动词)
