Task|11.28托福考情回顾 听力阅读写作全是原题?

Task|11.28托福考情回顾 听力阅读写作全是原题?


Task|11.28托福考情回顾 听力阅读写作全是原题?

1. 恐龙的parental behavior
2. 海藻的分布原因
3. 16世纪欧洲经济发展
4. Rogue planet
5. 铸铁技术的应用
6. 如何通过动物温度来分类动物
7. Distribution of Seaweeds
8.bri啥建筑 在弗洛伦萨 然后和罗马的关系
9.如何通过动物温度来分类动物 , 后来发现这种分类方法不适合哺乳动物 , 所以又有了冷血动物和变温动物

Task|11.28托福考情回顾 听力阅读写作全是原题?

1. art history:雕塑
2. wind dinosaur

Task|11.28托福考情回顾 听力阅读写作全是原题?

Task 1
Some students prefer to receive a grade for a class that is based on many short assignments. Others prefer to receive a grade that is based on one or two long assignments. Which do you think is better and why?
Task 2
建议学校的学生从大二开始从学校搬出去 , 听力同意 。
Task 3
cyclic population balance , 就是生物会随着时间增加数量 , 然后减少 , 最后保持平衡 , 比如wolves 和mice , 狼捕食老鼠 。 当老鼠数量较多 , 狼较少时狼的食物充足数量会急剧增长 , 老鼠数量减少;老鼠的减少使狼的食物减少 , 狼的数量因而下降 , 相对应地老鼠数量又会得到增长 。 所以事实上阶段三和阶段一的特征是相同的 , 这就形成了一个循环
Task 4
第一个点是用speical的material保持室内温度 , 就可以减少供热的耗能;
第二个点是renewable source用来发电;

Task|11.28托福考情回顾 听力阅读写作全是原题?

Task 1
Nowadays many job interviewers and employers are looking for various additional sources of information to better understand a job applicant. Which is the best way for the employers to better know the situation of a job applicant?
1. contacting previous employers the job applicant worked for and asking for further information.
2. checking the job applicant’s profile on social platform (such as social networking websites and social media)
3. letting the job applicant work for the company for a short period of time(1-month) and then considering whether to use the applicant permanently or not.
Task 2
Before hiring a new employee, employers usually interview job applicants and ask them questions. Employers also consider various additional sources of information to see whether the person they hire will be a good match with the job advertised. and with their company. In your opinion, which of the following ways of obtaining additional information is best for employers to use?
1. Contacting previous employers an applicant worked for and asking them about the applicant
2. Checking an applicant's online profile on different social platforms (online websites used for social networking and chatting)
3. Letting an applicant work for the company for a short period of time (1 month) to see if the applicant is a good match and then deciding whether to employ the applicant permanently
为了防止过度捕捞导致生物灭绝 , 政府实行了一个政策:marine enhancement program
1.可以保护环境 , 提升物种数量
【Task|11.28托福考情回顾 听力阅读写作全是原题?】
