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牛津大学在其官方账号上 ,


这是牛津大学的一道 面试题 ,
如果你在参加大学面试的时候 ,
遇到这个问题 , 会如何作答呢?





在这条消息的下面 ,
海外网友的回答众口不一 。
网友 @BOTW1234 说:
No… because for a cop to pull you over for that is pointless, the point of pulling someone over for a red light is because it could cause an accident but if theres no one on the road and its the middle of the night then theirs no one to cause an accident with.
不违法 , 因为警察拦你是没有意义的 , 不准闯红灯的原因是这可能导致交通事故 , 但如果路上没人 , 而且是在半夜 , 那么闯红灯就不会导致事故 。
网友 @angus_barrett 说:
I would answer no! Laws bridge the gap between the abstract Good and the particular. They therefore can’t account for the nuance of everyday life. Every ethical decision is the interplay between the Good and a completely unique context - in this case running the light is fine.
Hence why judge, jury and police discretion (‘reasonableness’) is the most vital part of the legal system!
我会回答不 。 法律在抽象的“善”和特殊情况之间搭起了一座桥梁 。 因此法律无法对日常生活中的细枝末节做出解释 。 每一个道德决策 , 都是“善”与特殊环境共同作用的结果 , 在(题干)这种情况下 , 闯红灯是可以接受的 。
这也是为什么 , 法官、陪审团和警察的自由裁量权(“合理性”)是法律体系中最重要的部分 。
网友 @avinashk001 说:
Use of red light at night on empty streets should be banned altogether. Given the kind of smart technologies we have, traffic management must make use of it. Instead continuously blinking yellow lights should be installed in those places for people to be vigilant themselves.
应该停止在晚上在空荡荡的街道上使用红灯 。 交通部门应利用智能技术管理 , 例如在这些地方使用连续闪烁的黄灯 , 让人们自己保持警惕 。
网友 @JWark_GCU 说:
Yes it is illegal at night or during the day to run a red light. This is because it would create risk and increase the probability of an accident. Risk can be reduced by creating order and not running through the red light
是违法的 。 晚上或白天闯红灯都是违法的 。 因为这种行为会产生风险 , 并增加发生事故的可能性 。 制定规则可以降低风险 , 闯红灯不会 。
网友 @MadhavNarayan3 说:
The Rule Is Rule , We Have To Follow It Whether Road Is Empty or not . That's Make Us Responsible / Discipline Citizen Unless It's An Emergency/ Death or Life Situation.
规则就是规则 , 不管道路上是不是空的 , 我们都必须遵守 。 这让我们成为负责任/遵纪守法的公民 , 除非你遇到的是紧急、事关生死的情况 。
网友:@jhewitthunt 说:
Yes. If you say no, what time do you class as middle of the night? And what is classed as an empty road? No cars at all? 1 car 200 yards away? Changing a black and white rule = blurry lines which confuse people
