come|初二英语上册 Unit 9作文专练,写作目标+素材+范文

本单元的话题是“邀请” , 与此相关的写作题目往往以发出邀请、接受邀请或拒绝邀请的信函为主 。 无论是向别人发出邀请还是因故谢绝别人的邀请 , 都应语气委婉 。 写作时应注意邀请函的格式 , 一般包括称呼语、正文、结束语及签名等 。
We'd/I'd like to invite you to..
Would you like to..?
Can you come to...?
Thanks a lot for inviting me to... , but I'm afraid I can't.I have to...
I'm looking forward to...
题目要求:你是Mike,你去Marry 家 , 想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会 , 但是她不在家 , 你给她留了便条 。 任务:请你用英语给Marry写一个50词左右的便条 。 内容包括:1. 明天是我的生日 , 你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始;2. 我的家人、朋友及同学都会来 , 你可以见到他们;3. 如果你来 , 就打电话给我 , 我希望你能来 。
【come|初二英语上册 Unit 9作文专练,写作目标+素材+范文】【优秀范文】
Dear Marry,
I’m Mike. Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to invite you to take part in my birthday. Can you come tomorrow?
The party will begin at half past six in the evening. My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party.
If you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me. I will be happy that you can come.
Yours ,
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