A Better Way Of Saying It ----- Probability
雅思口语考试一直是参赛者害怕和担心的部分 , 因为参赛者必须在口语考试中直接面对考官 , 今天在这你会看到雅思口语在输出时的准确以及常用的‘几率 , 可能性’的各种英语表达方法 , 仅供你参考和练习!
the one who
never does his homework
No.1 never -从不;从未;永不
高级替换:when pigs fly <informal>
Eg. Mr Burns says he'll donate a million dollars to charity when pigs fly.
彭斯先生说永远不会捐100W做慈善 。
- Do you think we could ever film a serious video?
-Yeahhh! When pigs fly.
- 你觉得咱们能认真录一期间节目吗?
- 这是不可能的
No.2 It’s impossible to predict 谁也拿不准
高级替换:be anyone’s guess
Eg. Whether they can pull it off is anyone's guess.
他们能不能实现目标谁也拿不准 。
It's anyone's guess what may happen next.
谁也拿不准接下来会发生什么 。
No.3 unlikely to happen
高级替换:pie in the sky
Eg. This is happening. It's not just pie in the sky.
这事儿已经发生了并不是渺茫的希望 。
Eg.This is sort of a “pie in the sky” idea.
这个想法就是“不大可能实现的”那种 。
No.4 not likely to happen
(指不大可能发生)别眼巴巴等着 , 有你等的
高级替换:don’t hold your breath <informal>
Eg. I still haven't answered the question and I'm an academic so don't hold your breath.
你们的提问我还没回答 , 我是搞研究的人 , 所以这有你等的 。
Eg.I'll ask around the office see if somebody's got something but don't hold your breath.
我会在办公室里打听一下确认他们有没有 , 但是别眼巴巴的等了 。
Eg.If you miss this deadline the opportunity is gone.
No.5 the opportunity is gone (after doing or saying something wrong)
高级替换:blow it <informal>
Eg. The U.S. blew it when it came to health communications.
就当时医疗方面的沟通而言美国错失良机 。
Eg. What the science is telling us is likely to happen.
科学告知我们的是很可能发生的 。
No.6 likely to happen
高级替换:be on the cards (British)/be in the cards (American)
Eg. Some interstate travel could also be on the cards.
参加洲际旅游也是可能的事 。
Eg. This is not something I ever thought was in the cards for me.
这并不是我曾想过的并且当时还能发生的事情 。
Eg. In the end this is going to produce an obvious result.
No. 7 an obvious result 预料中的必然结局
高级替换:a foregone conclusion
Eg. It's a foregone conclusion that at some point in the future.
这是预料中的将来的某一时刻的必然结果 。
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