happybirthday什么意思英语happybirthday什么意思( 五 )

8 ,Don’t be so late next time. 下次别到得这么晚 。这是祈使否定句,祈使句的否定句在动词原形前加don’t.
Don’t open your books. Please don’t make a noise.
重点语法讲解 一般过去式:
(1)过去存在的状态 。My father was at work yesterday afternoon.
(2)过去某个时间发生的动作 。I got up at 6:30 yesterday.
(3)过去经常或反复发生的动作 。
He always went to work by bus lastyear.
常用的时间状语:two days/months/years ago, last year, in those days, just now, in 2002等 。
1. 规则动词①在动词后面直接加“ed” 。play-played ②动词以“e”结尾加“d” 。move-moved ③动词以辅音字母加y结尾改y为i加ed. study-studied ④动词为重读闭音节,双写词尾的辅音字母加ed. plan-planned stop-stopped
2. 不规则动词 am/is-was are-were do-did (详情见书后不规则动词表)
肯定句:I bought some books yesterday. 否定句:I didn’t buy any books yesterday.
一般疑问句:Did you buy any books yesterday?
1.弹乐器前要带定冠词the,而进行球类运动,刚不带the 。play the guitar/piano play soccer/basketball
2.序数词,前面要用定冠词the 。on the second floor3.三餐前面不用冠词 。have breakfast/lunch/supper
介词的用法1. 在几点常用介词at, 在星期几常用on 。在早上、下午、晚上常用in. 在具体某是前,用介词on;在月份或年份前用介词in,在具体到某一天的早上/下午/晚上,也用onat seven o’clock; on Sunday; in the morning.
Unit8 Topic 1
重点句型 :
What’s the weather like in summer ? It’s hot.
How is the weather today ? It’s foggy.
It’s a good season for flyingkites.
It’s a good time to climb hills.
Which season do you like best,spring, summer, autumn or winter ?
I like … best. It’s hard to say.
How are things going ? Things aregoing very well.
What’s the temperature ? It’sBetween -8°C and -2°C .
You’d better know about the weatherin different places in August.
go back home 回家
right away 立刻
have a short rest 短暂休息
later on 后来
take a walk 散步
be kind to 对…友好
come back to life 苏醒;恢复健康
get fine 被罚款
nice and bright 阳光明媚
take some pictures 拍照
in most of 大多数
talk about 谈论
be different from 与…不同
summer holiday 暑假
1, It’s a good season/ time for doing sth.
=It’s a good season/time to do sth. 是做某事的好季节 。
2, 对because 引导的原因状语提问用 why.
I don’t like summer because it’s very cold. Why don’t you like summer ?
3 ,I like spring best. = My favorite season isspring.
4, Because I learned to swim last year. 因为去年我学会了游泳 。
learn to do sth .学习/ 学会做某事 。注:study 没有这种用法
5 ,Remembe to put on your raincoat when you goout. 记住外出时穿上雨衣 。
remember to do sth. 记住做某事 。记住别做某事remember not to do sth.
6, The lowest temperature is -8°C and the highest temperature is is -2°C.
形容气温高用high, 低用low 。
7, You’d better know about the weather indifferent places in August. 你最好了解八月份不同地方的天气 。
You’d better = You had better. had better 相当于一个情态动词,后接动词的原形,否定句直接在better后加not.
8 ,The farmers are busy harvesting. bebusy doing sth. “忙于做某事”相当于be busy with sth.
9, I hope all is well with you. 我希望你一切都顺利 。
10 ,We saw some old people performing Beijing opera. 我们看到一些老人在表演京剧 。
see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事 。这时doing sth. 为宾语补足语 。
11 ,The weather gets warm and the trees turngreen. 天气变长,树木变绿 。
天气变化用get, 颜色的变化用turn.
12. Everything comes backto life .作主万物复苏 everything, something, anything语是谓语动词用三单形式
13. Put on 强调穿的动作 wear强调穿的状态
14.修饰雨雪的词汇多用heavily ,修饰风多用strongly 的形式
如:下大雨rain heavily a heavy rain
刮大风blow strongly a strong wind
e.g. It rained heavily last night . 昨晚下了一场大雨
There was a heavyrain last night .
