莎拉·寇娜 英文介绍

莎拉·寇娜 英文介绍

基本资料: Basic information:
本名:Sarah Lewe Whose
real name: Sarah Lewe
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1980.6.13
出生地:Delmenhorst ,Lower Saxony,Germany
Place of birth: Delmenhorst, Lower Saxony, Germany
( 德国下萨克森州戴尔蒙霍斯特) (Germany Lower Saxony Menghuosite Dell)
Constellation: Gemini
婚姻状况:已婚(丈夫Marc Terenzi) Marital status: Married (her husband Marc Terenzi)
家庭:4姐妹,1兄弟,妈妈Soraya,爸爸Michael Family: 4 sisters, a brother, mother Soraya, father Michael
孩子:儿子Tyler,生于2004,2月 。Children: son Tyler, was born on 2004,2. 女儿Summer,生于2006,6月23日 Daughter, Summer, was born in 2006,6 23
宠物:三只狗狗,分别叫Donna, Luka and Muffin Mailo Pets: Three dogs were called Donna, Luka and Muffin Mailo
爱好:跆拳道,马术,跳舞,航海 Hobbies: taekwondo, equestrian, dance, navigation
语言: 德语,英语,西班牙语 Language: German, English, Spanish
习惯:抽烟 Habits: smoking
教育:高中 Education: High School
座右铭:未来掌握在自己的手中(Future is what you make of it) Motto: the future lies in the hands of their own (Future is what you make of it)
Sarah’s外形: Sarah's appearance:
眼睛:绿色 Eyes: Green
头发:金色 Hair: Golden
身高:178厘米(5英尺10英寸) Height: 178 cm (5 feet 10 inches)
鞋码:40 Shoes: 40
刺青:肚脐,右胸纹身:脖子上有个亚洲和平标志,左手腕上刻着丈夫Marc Terenzi首写大写字母 。Tattoos: navel, the right chest tattoo: There is a neck Asia peace sign, his left wrist engraved husband Marc Terenzi the first to write capital letters.
Sarah’s最爱: Sarah's favorites:
CD: Michael Jackson ( 迈克尔·杰克逊 )– Thriller CD: Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson) - Thriller
歌手:Michael Jackson, (迈克尔·杰克逊)Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin Singers: Michael Jackson, (Michael Jackson) Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin
电影:辣身舞(Dirty Dancing) Film: Dirty Dancing (Dirty Dancing)
演员:Robert De Niro Actor: Robert De Niro
饮料:水 Drink: Water
食物:柠檬,冰激凌 Food: lemon, ice cream
书籍:女教皇唐娜·伍佛·克罗斯[Pope Joan (Donna Woolfolk Cross)] Book: Pope female Buddha Mrs. Donna Cross [Pope Joan (Donna Woolfolk Cross)]
汽车: 保时捷 Car: Porsche
Sarah的第一次: Sarah's the first time:
香水:我记得很清楚,是“lulu” von Cacharel,现在我有了自己的香水生产线 。Perfume: I remember very clearly, is a "lulu" von Cacharel, I now have their own perfume line.
汽车: 注册号码MJ是我的偶像Michael Jackson的字首 Automotive: registration number MJ is my idol Michael Jackson's prefix
初吻:当时很紧张,我只有14岁,是在学校的舞会上发生的 。First kiss: At that time, very nervous, I was only 14 years old at the school dance took place.
演艺:这是我的人生中很重要的经历,16岁的我为伴舞,当时他正在他的世界巡演 。Performing Arts: This is my life, a very important experience for my 16-year-old Ban Wu, when he is his world tour. 这简直是难以置信的,在这么多粉丝面前,我和他同台演出,我一辈子都不会忘记的 。This is simply incredible that in the face of so many fans, and I performed with him, all his life, I will not forget.
晚礼服:我从朋友那里借来的一件穿过的夏娜尔礼服,我还不得不还给她 。Evening dress: I borrowed from a friend, where a dress through the Xiana Er, I have to be returned to her.
工作:7岁的时候在一家时尚公司Oilily的平面照 。: 7-year-old at the time, a fashion company Oilily as the plane.
理想的工作:当时我不知道自己是想做歌手呢,还是海洋生物学家 。Ideal: I do not know if he is a singer wanted to do, or marine biologist. 最后,我决定做歌手,进行了经典音乐的教育,我也是训练有素的女高音哦 。Finally, I decided to do the singer, had a classical music education, I am also a trained soprano Oh.
sarah 的官网:www.sarah-connor.com sarah officer of the network: www.sarah-connor.com
23岁的莎拉·寇娜已经用甜美的嗓音,深入魂魄的音乐动感和非凡的演唱实力征服了欧洲乐坛,祖父赐予的新奥尔良的血统使她在幼年时期就受到全面的蓝调及灵魂乐的熏陶 。23-year-old Sarah has Kouna with the sweet voice of an in-depth soul music concert and extraordinary strength to conquer the European music scene, the grandfather gave New Orleans the origin of her childhood in the period to be comprehensive and R &B-soul Nurturing.
