十二生肖动物的英文怎么写作文( 三 )

dog作名词时指无赖汉,坏蛋、废物,不受喜爱(或欢迎)的人 。有时加形容词修饰可指各 种人,如:You dirty dog !你这个坏小子!a lucky dog.幸运儿;a dumb dog.沉默不语 的人,a sly dog.暗中寻欢的人和暗地里偷鸡摸狗的人;a dog in the manger.占着茅坑 不拉屎的人 。
用dog表达的谚语: 1. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人 。
介绍兔子的英语作文【1】I really like an animal, a rabbit.
The rabbit had white hair.
With red eyes and long ears and a short tail.
Rabbit is mainly to eat carrots, she eat is very lovely.
I like lovely animals, but there are a lot of animals in China has been in the middle of a dangerous, I hope you can take care of emergency of animals.
介绍兔子的.英语作文【2】One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I’m very happy.
From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. they have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. they’re marvellous 。
Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn’t find them. I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn’t know. At last, I found them in the grass. they were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again.
I love my little rabbits, and they love me. they are my good friends forever.
介绍兔子的英语作文【3】One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I’m very happy.
From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. They have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. They’re marvellous.
Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn’t find them. I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn’t know. At last, I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again.
I love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever.
介绍兔子的英语作文【4】Hello, my friends! My name’s Sandy. Today, I will tell you an interesting story about rabbits. Look at me , now , I’m not Sandy but a mother rabbit. I have a happy family because of my three daughters. They are very clever and lovely. In the morning , they have good habits . After they get up , they have good habits. After they get up in the morning, they wash the face , brush the hair , clean the ears and blow the noses. They like singing and dancing , too . Now , let’s have a share , children , are you ready ? (Yes, let’s go.) Action , please! ( sing and dance)
1. 写兔子的英语作文怎么写The Rabbits' FamilyHello, my friends! My name's Sandy. Today, I will tell you an interesting story about rabbits. Look at me , now , I'm not Sandy but a mother rabbit. I have a happy family because of my three daughters. They are very clever and lovely. In the morning , they have good habits . After they get up , they have good habits. After they get up in the morning, they wash the face , brush the hair , clean the ears and blow the noses. They like singing and dancing , too . Now , let's have a share , children , are you ready ? (Yes, let's go.) Action , please! ( sing and dance)翻译小兔子一家朋友们好啊!我的名字叫Sandy,今天我要给大家讲一个有关兔子的有趣故事,描写兔子的英语作文 。
现在看着我,我不再是Sandy,而是兔子妈妈,我有一个幸福的家庭全因为我的三个女儿 。我这三个女儿非常聪明可爱 。
在早上她们有良好的习惯,起床之后她们的习惯依然很好 。早上她们起床后会洗脸、梳头、清洁耳朵和吹鼻子,她们还喜欢唱歌跳舞 。
现在让我们一起来唱歌跳舞,孩子们,准备好了吗?(是的,我们开始吧 。)请行动起来吧!(唱歌、跳舞) 。
2. 描写兔子的英语作文The rabbit visual range is very wide, but the vision is not too good. For color, the rabbit is color-blind, only to be able to distinguish the limited color. And they saw the image is blurred. Rabbit hyperopia ability is quite good, but for close thing, they cannot see or not see clearly. The rabbit is mainly seen in plane of the image, so the distance feeling is not very good. The rabbit in the dark case see most clearly, and not in dark environment.The rabbit likes eating grass, feeding can be fed vegetable: carrots, sweet potatoes, cabbage leaves, rabbit eat very interesting: o ears a move, four front teeth creak gnawing vegetables, from time to time looked up to its feeding people, a very satisfied. Rabbit high vigilance, in a quiet environment, if suddenly what even very *** all voice, rabbit ears can also detect, a move now, ready to flee or self-defense.The rabbit is a gentle, clever animal. If you keep the rabbit, don't fet to coexist in harmony 。
3. 有关于兔子的英语作文One day, my mother bought o little rabbits for me. I'm very happy.
