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Aries (sheep)白羊座March 21 to April 20
Persons born under the sign of the sheep tend to be enthusiastic and not afraid of difficult situations. They are natural leaders who like to bring about changes in the world, and they may do so as general or politicians. Often impulsive, they welcome hard work and get things done without wasting time, but they are sometimes thought as selfish because of this.
Harmonious signs: Sagittarius and Leo
Taurus (bull)金牛座 April 21 to May 21
The sign of the bull is a fitting one for Taurus, who is strong and known for working hardThey understand the importance of order and try to establish a system for their lives. Many are found in government work. Although sometimes stubborn, Taureans are not always serious, and usually have a good sense of humor
Harmonious signs: Capricorn, Virgo, and Cancer
Gemini (twin)双子座May 22 to June 22
Clever and full of energy, Gamines are experts at dealing with other people. Because of their ability to use their minds well and their desire to express themselves, they make good inventors, scientists, and magicians. They are excited by the new and the different, and need a lot of variety in both their personal and professional lives
Harmonious signs: Aquarius and Libra
Cancer (crab)巨蟹座June 22 to July 21
Those born under the sign of crab are very sensitive, so they laugh and cry easily. They change their minds often, but when they decide they really want something, they don’t let go of that desire. Cancer love their homes and families, and are interested in history and ancient objects. They have strong imaginations so that they make good teachers, public speakers, and writers
Harmonious signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Taurus
Leo (lion)狮子座July 23 to August 23
The lion is the sign of those who are born to command. They are proud people who may appear to be self-concerned and selfish, but they re frequently generous and understanding. It is not surprising to find that they are often politicians or the directors of large companies
Harmonious signs: Sagittarius and Aries
Virgo (virgin)处女座August 24 to September
Virgoes are clear-thinking, careful, and hard workers. Although they have the ability to organize, they are often not very good in positions of authority. Virgoes often choose professions in which they can work alone, and they are highly skilled in all kinds of handicrafts. They are willing to give much of their time to helping others
Harmonious signs: Capricorn and Taurus
Libra (scale)天平座September 24 to October 23
The sign of Libra is the scale, another fitting sign, since the strength of these people lies in their balanced character,. Libras particularly dislike anything that is unfair, and they try to do everything as perfectly as possible. They are kind and gentle with others and never rigid—they know when to work and when to play. They are often good at art and music
Harmonious signs: Aquarius and Gemini
Scorpio (scorpion)天蝎座October 24 to November 22
Scorpios are independent people with strong likes and dislikes. They are full of energy, yet they are able to maintain a complete control over themselves. Noting seems impossible to Scorpio. They often choose to work in professions such as doctor or detective—jobs that require overcoming unusual difficulties
Harmonious signs: Cancer and Pisces
Sagittarius (archer)射手座November 23 to December 21
People born under the sign of Sagittarius are noted for their extreme curiosity. Everything interests them and although they are impatient, they will make a great effort to learn. They love the outdoors and do well at all kinds of sports. Sagittarians often make good lawyers and journalists
Harmonious signs: Aries Leo and Sagittarius
Capricorn (goat)魔羯座 December 22 to January 20
Capricornia’s are people who move toward what they want on a sure and steady way. They are ambition and usually succeed in doing whatever they decide to do. Capricornia’s take life serious and defend tradition and authority. And because they understand the needs of others they make good community leaders or diplomats
Harmonious signs: Taurus Virgo Libra
Aquarius (water-carrier)水平座January 21 to February 19
Typical Aquarius are extremely open-minded about all things. They try not to judge other people, believing that everyone has the right to lead his or her own life. Their honesty and friendliness make them very popular. Although some people think of them as being a bit eccentric. Because they are patient and pay attention to detail, they make good lawyers and scientists
Harmonious signs: Libra Gemini and Aries
Pisces (fish)双鱼座February 20 to March 20
People born under the sign of the fish are usually quiet and gentle. They give the impression of being cold and distant, but they are really sensitive and loyal to their friends. The Piscarian is usually a dreamer who is little interested in ambitions or money. While some find success in acting, most tend toward more solitary work, often in the other arts
