TV = [ ('《Give up , hold on to me》', 1.4), ('《The private dishes of the husbands》', 1.343), ('《My father-in-law will do martiaiarts》', 0.92), ('《North Canton still believe in love》', 0.862), ('《Impossible task》', 0.553), ('《Sparrow》', 0.411), ('《East of dream Avenue》', 0.164), ('《The prodigal son of the new frontier town》', 0.259), ('《Distant distance》', 0.394), ('《Music legend》', 0.562)]TV = sorted(TV, key=lambda s: s[1], reverse=True)for tv in TV: print(tv[0] + '收视率:' + str(tv[1]) + '%')
print("定制自己的手机套餐:")timer = ["0分钟", "50分钟", "100分钟", "300分钟", "不限量"]flow = ["0M", "500M", "1G", "不限量"]message = ["0条", "50条", "100条"]print("A.请设置通话时长:")for index,item in enumerate(timer): print(str(index + 1) + '.', item)charges_num = input("输入选择的通话时长编号:")if charges_num == "1": timer_c = timer[0]if charges_num == "2": timer_c = timer[1]if charges_num == "3": timer_c = timer[2]if charges_num == "4": timer_c = timer[3]if charges_num == "5": timer_c = timer[4]print("B.请设置流量包:")for index,item in enumerate(flow): print(str(index + 1) + '.', item)flow_num = input("输入选择的流量包编号:")if flow_num == "1": flow_c = flow[0]if flow_num == "2": flow_c = flow[1]if flow_num == "3": flow_c = flow[2]if flow_num == "4": flow_c = flow[3]print("C.请设置短信条数:")for index,item in enumerate(message): print(str(index + 1) + '.', item)message_num = input("输入选择的短信条数编号:")if message_num == "1": message_c = message[0]if message_num == "2": message_c = message[1]if message_num == "3": message_c = message[2]print("您的手机套餐定制成功:免费通话时长为" + timer_c + "/月,流量为" + flow_c + "/月,短信条数" + message_c + "/月")
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