Pixel Clockcameralink的时钟,时钟应当允许被disable,时钟支持5-85MHz不同速率;
Taps/ Geometryhttps://www.baslerweb.com/fp-1510660945/media/downloads/documents/framegrabber_designers/AW00099004000_ace_beat_Camera_Link_Info_Frm_Grab_Designers.pdf
参考basler 的手册说明 , 我们的simulator计划支持下面2种格式,其它的格式在未来支持medium模式时再引入 。
1X2-1Y表示在X方向,一次发送2个像素,在Y方向 , 一次发送一行,按照逐行扫描的顺序向外发送 。
1X2-1Y Geometry – 8, 10, or 12 Bit Pixel DepthThe characteristics of the 1X2-1Y tap geometry are:
- On each cycle of the Camera Link pixel clock, the data for two pixels are transmitted via the Camera Link interface. This is commonly referred to as a "two tap" Camera Link configuration.
- The camera will begin transmitting data from sensor line one. It will transmit the data for the first two pixels in line one on the first Camera Link pixel clock cycle, the next two pixels in line one on the second pixel clock cycle, the next two pixels in line one on the third clock cycle, and so on until the line is complete.
- When line one is complete, transmission of line two will begin and will proceed in a similar fashion. Data transmission will continue line-by-line until all of the data for the image have been transmitted.
1X3-1Y Geometry – 8 Bit Pixel Depth
Trigger触发有开始触发、帧触发 , 触发类型分为立即触发、软件触发、上升沿触发、下降沿触发、高电平触发、低电平触发 。
/// <summary>trigger类型</summary>
public enum CL_TRIGGER_TYPE
FRAME_TRIGGER = 1,//Frame trigger,每来1次,触发一次输出
/// <summary>camera link触发模式</summary>
public enum CL_TRIGGER_MODE
CL_SOFT_TRIGGER = (0x1 << 0),//software trigger
CL_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER = (0x1 << 1),//rising edge trigger
CL_FALLING_EDGE_TRIGGER = (0x1 << 2),//falling edge trigger
CL_HIGH_LEVEL_TRIGGER = (0x1 << 3),//high level trigger
CL_LOW_LEVEL_TRIGGER = (0x1 << 4),//low level trigger
CL_IMMEDIATE_TRIGGER = (0x1 << 5)//immediate trigger
};//trigger mode
/// <summary>触发信号来源</summary>
//camera link cc interface
C0_CC1 = 0,
C0_CC2 = 0,
C0_CC3 = 0,
C0_CC4 = 0,
C1_CC1 = 0,
C1_CC2 = 0,
C1_CC3 = 0,
C1_CC4 = 0,
Start Trigger 开始触发The camera can be set to accept an External Acquisition Start Trigger (ExASTrig) input signal, which is used as an enabler for the frame start trigger. When the camera receives a proper ExASTrig signal, its acquisition status will change from "waiting for acquisition start trigger" to "waiting for frame start trigger". When the ExASTrig signal is applied to the camera via the Camera Link interface, it is an LVDS signal as specified for RS-644. The camera can be configured to accept an ExASTrig signal on the CC inputs in the Camera Link interface:
Frame Trigger触发Frame Trigger触发,开启一帧任务;
The camera can be set to accept an External Frame Start Trigger (ExFSTrig) input signal to control exposure and readout of the camera’s sensor. When the ExFSTrig signal is applied to the camera via the Camera Link interface, it is an LVDS signal as specified for RS-644. By default, the camera will accept an ExFSTrig signal on the CC1 input in the Camera Link interface (pins 9 and 22 of the MDR connector) as specified in the Camera Link standard. The camera can also be configured to accept the ExFSTrig signal on these other CC inputs:
- Wrapping 循环发送一段数据,中间无间隔 , 需要手动停止;
- Continuous连续向外发送数据 , 软件必须不断更新数据并写入到板载缓存,需要手动停止;
- Finite 向外发送有限点数,发送完成自动停止
- 安装SeeSharpTools_V1.5.0_Win.msi,双击安装;
- 安装PCIe2000Installer_V1.0.0.msi,双击安装;
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