英汉对照 解除劳动合同证明书英文

英汉对照 解除劳动合同证明书英文

地 址*address*:
联 系 电 话*contact no.*:
**码*id no.*:
入职*期*date of en*llment*: 年*yyyy* 月*mm* **dd*
解除*期*date of termination*: 年*yyyy* 月*mm* **dd*
在*单位工作时间*term of employment*: 年*yyyy* 月*mm*
依据*法律条文:《劳动合同法》第 条第 款第 项
in accordance with the labor contract law article , paragraph * *
reasons *please tick app*p*ate box below.*
□劳动者单方解除 employee terminates the contract unilaterally
□用人单位按劳动合同法39条解除 employer terminates the contract according to article 39 of labor contract law
□劳动者试用期内解除 employee terminates the contract du*ng p*bation
□用人单位按劳动合同法40条解除 employer terminates the contract according to article 40 of labor contract law
□劳动者按劳动合同法38条解除 employee terminates the contract according to article 38 of labor contract law
□用人单位经济*裁员 employer reduces the staff due to economical reasons
协商一致解除both parties terminate the contract upon the consensus th*ugh consulation:□单位原因 employer"s reasons □个人原因 employee"s reasons
【英汉对照 解除劳动合同证明书英文】单位名称employer*盖章official seal*
年*yyyy* 月*mm* **dd*
签收人si*ature of employee:
签收*期*date*: 年*yyyy* 月*mm* **dd*
