300本Python电子书+源码( 三 )

183. Python 实战-从菜鸟到大牛的进阶之路 - v1.1.pdf
184. Python 核心编程翻译版(第二版).pdf
185. Python 编码规范(Google) _ 菜鸟教程.pdf
186. PYTHON WEB开发学习实录.pdf
187. Python Web开发:测试驱动方法.pdf
188. PYTHON QT GUI快速编程 PYQT编程指南 ,马克·萨默菲尔德 ,P444 ,2016.08.pdf
189. Python Programming - An Introduction To Computer Science.pdf
190. Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版.pdf
191. Python 2.7 Tutorial 中文版.pdf
192. Pro_Android_Scripting_with_SL4A__Writing_Android_Native_Apps_Using_Python__Lua__and_Beanshell.mobi
193. Pro_Android_Scripting_with_SL4A__Writing_Android_Native_Apps_Using_Python__Lua__and_Beanshell.epub
194. PRML中文版.pdf
195. PRML.pdf
196. pil-handbook.pdf
197. Phthon编程金典.pdf
198. P0014[可爱的Python].哲思社区.插图版,文字版.rar
199. P0012-用python做科学计算-.rar
200. P0009-wxPython in action中文版.rar
201. P00080 Python可以这样学.rar
202. P0002-python程序员指南中文版.rar
203. OReilly.Python.in.a.Nutshell.2nd.Edition.Jul.2006.chm
204. OReilly.-.Python for Data Analysis.pdf
205. OReilly Mining the Social Web 2nd Edition Oct.pdf
206. Oreilly - Python Standard Library.pdf
207. NumPy攻略__Python科学计算与数据分析.pdf
208. NumPy_1_5_Beginner__039_s_Guide.pdf
209. New Riders -- The Zope Book.pdf
210. Natural Language Processing with Python.pdf
211. Multitreading.pdf
212. Mining of Massive Datasets.pdf
213. matplotlib_users_guide_0.90.0.pdf
214. matplotlib_api.pdf
215. Matplotlib for Python Developers.pdf
216. Mathematics for Computer Science.pdf
217. Mastering Machine Learning With scikit-learn.pdf
218. Machine_Learning_in_Action.pdf
219. Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective(1).pdf
220. llk-source.rar
221. Learning Python, 5th Edition.pdf
222. Learning From Data 2nd Ed (Wiley,2007).pdf
223. Keras中文手册.pdf
224. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python 2nd.pdf
225. Intermediate_Python中文译本.pdf
226. Head First Python(中文版).pdf
227. Foundations.of.Python.3.Network.Programming.2nd.Edition.Dec.2010.pdf
228. Foundations of Python 3 Network Programming, Second Edition.pdf
229. FOSDL_Examples.zip
230. Focus_on_SDL__Premier_Press_.pdf
231. flask-docs.pdf
232. Flask Web开发 基于Python的Web应用开发实战 .pdf
233. Expert_Python_Programming.pdf
234. evaluating-machine-learning-models.pdf
235. Ensemble Machine Learning.Methods and Applications.2013.pdf
236. Effective+Python.编写高质量Python代码的59个有效方法.Brett+Slatkin.pdf
237. Django_中文教程.pdf
238. Django 中文文档 1.8.pdf
239. Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML.pdf
240. Deep Learning Tutorial.pdf
241. cs229 stanford machine learning(所有的lectures)(1).rar
242. CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development[Packt](200703).pdf
243. bmplite.tar.gz
244. Beginning_Python_Visualization__Crafting_Visual_Transformation_Scripts.pdf
245. Beginning Python:Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1.pdf
246. Beautiful_Soup中文文档.pdf
247. Bayesian methods for hackers.pdf
248. An Introduction to Statistical Learning.pdf
249. A Primer on Scientfic Programming with Python, Third Edition .pdf
250. A Byte of Python.pdf
251. 21天学通PYTHON.pdf
252. 21天实战Caffe.pdf
253. 2012.李航.统计学习方法.pdf
254. 079-笨方法学python 第二版.pdf
255. Python数据科学速查表 - Seaborn.pdf
256. Python数据科学速查表 - Scikit-Learn.pdf
257. Python数据科学速查表 - Pandas 进阶.pdf
258. Python数据科学速查表 - Pandas 基础.pdf
259. Python数据科学速查表 - Numpy 基础.pdf
260. Python数据科学速查表 - Matplotlib 绘图.pdf
261. Python数据科学速查表 - Keras.pdf
262. Python数据科学速查表 - Jupyter Notebook.pdf
263. Python数据科学速查表 - Bokeh.pdf
264. cs229-notes9.pdf
265. cs229-notes8.pdf
266. cs229-notes7b.pdf
267. cs229-notes7a.pdf
268. cs229-notes6.pdf
269. cs229-notes5.pdf
270. cs229-notes4.pdf
271. cs229-notes3.pdf
272. cs229-notes2.pdf
273. cs229-notes12.pdf
274. cs229-notes11.pdf
275. cs229-notes10.pdf
276. cs229-notes1.pdf
277. more_on_gaussians.pdf
278. MATLAB_Session.pdf
279. gaussians.pdf
280. cs229-prob.pdf
281. cs229-linalg.pdf
282. cs229-hmm.pdf
