【排名前十大的帽子品牌有哪些 排名前十大的帽子品牌】A lifelong fascination with sports emblems and uniforms was what drove Jeremy Cohen to launch Ebbets Field Flannels back in 1987. The idea was to recreate vintage baseball caps and apparel using original team logos, and do it all using robust materials like thick wool felt. Once he had made a few for himself people began to see him wearing them and inquire about how to get one for themselves. Fast forward to today and the brand is stocked in some of the coolest shops across the globe.
不可否认 , Kangol 的头饰是一种后天习得的品味 。 设计为前后佩戴的亮白色平顶帽并不适合所有人 。 即便如此 , 如果不包括在内 , 就不可能认为帽子品牌清单是完整的 。 这个英国品牌自 1930 年代以来一直存在 , 并且受欢迎程度周期性地激增……通常随后很长一段时间都被认为天生不酷 。 目前 , 我们倾向于前者 。
Admittedly, Kangol’s headwear is something of an acquired taste. Bright white flat caps that are designed to be worn back to front aren’t for everyone. Even so, no list of hat brands could possibly be considered complete without its inclusion. The English brand has been around since the 1930s and has enjoyed periodic surges in popularity… usually followed by quite a long stint of being considered inherently uncool. At present, we’re trending towards the former.
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