Danson. The cardboard cutout featured in a scene that was edited out of
the original film, but the cardboard cutout appears in the background
of the original film and has the appearance of a*** all boy and the
lapel appears as the gun in one occasion.
The scenes featured in the film appear slightly different than the image
below due to the curtains being over the cardboard cutout and the
different angles of the cutout being filmed.
这里说的,你看到的背景的图片其实是泰德单森的纸板 。你之所以后面看到的和之前看到的不一样,是因为,拍摄位置的原因 。所以放心吧 。。
好了,三个奶爸一个娃的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于三个奶爸一个娃灵异事件 是真的吗、三个奶爸一个娃的信息别忘了在本站进行查找哦 。
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