meetatthehotel的意思 hotel的意思( 二 )

This morning my alarm clock didn’t go off. 今天早晨我的闹钟没响 。
go on 继续(说/做)下去
go on with 继续
Who knows what’s going on here?有谁知道这里发生了什么事?
go over 复习,仔细检查
Let’s go over the lesson again.
让我们把功课再复习一遍 。
go straight along 沿着……一直往前走
Go straight along the street and take the second turning on the left.
沿着街道向前走,在第二个拐弯处左拐 。
go through 查阅;浏览
I always start the day by going through my email.
我总是每天一早就查阅我的电子邮件 。
gold [ɡ??ld] n.a. 黄金;金的;黄金的
a gold medal 金牌
win a/the gold 获得金牌
good [ɡ?d] a. 好;良好
be good at 擅长,善于
He is good at drawing. 他擅长绘画 。
be good for 对……有好处
Practice is good for our health. 锻炼有益于健康 。
be good to 对……好
The old man is always not so good to foreign visitors.这老人对外国游客的态度一直不好 。
cheap goods 便宜货物
cotton goods 棉织商品
goodbye (bye-bye) [ɡ?d-ba?] int. 再见;再会
government [?ɡ?v?nm?nt] n.***
grade [ɡre?d] n. 等级;(中小学的)学年;成绩,分数
grammar [?ɡr?m?(r)] n. 语法
granddaughter [?ɡr?nd??t?(r)] n. (外)孙女
grandma=grandmother [?ɡr?nmɑ?, ?ɡr?ndm?e?(r)] n. 奶奶;外婆
grandpa=grandfather [?ɡr?npɑ?, ?ɡr?ndfɑ?e?(r)] n. 爷爷;外公
grandparent [?ɡr?ndpe?r?nts] n. 祖父(母);外祖父(母)
grandson [?ɡr?nds?n] n. (外)孙子
grape [ɡre?p] n. 葡萄
a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄
grape juice 葡萄汁
grass [ɡrɑ?s; (US) ɡr?s] n. 草;草场;牧草
great [ɡre?t] 伟大的;重要的;好极了;(口语)好极了,很好
Great Lake 五大湖(加拿大及美国之间的五个湖的总称)
green [ɡri?n] a.n. 绿色的;青的;绿色
green pepper n. 青椒
grey[?ɡrei] a. 阴沉的,灰色的,昏暗的
ground[ɡra?nd] n. 地面
group [ɡru?p] n. 组,群
a group of girls 一群女孩子
a newspaper group 报业集团
grow(grew, grown) [ɡr??] v. 生长;发育;种植;变成
The crops in the field are growing well.
田里的庄稼长势很好 。
grow up 成年,长成
I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
我长大后想当医生 。
guard [ɡɑ?d] n. 警戒;保护装置
guess [ɡes] vi. 猜
Can you guess her age/how old she is?
I guess that she is over forty.
我猜她已过四十了 。
guest [ɡest] n. 客人;宾客
He invited her to be his guest for the evening at the theatre.
他邀请她晚上去看戏 。
guide [ɡaid] n.v. 指南,向导,入门书;引导,带领
a tour guide 导游
I know the place well, so let me be your guide.
我熟悉那地方,我来当你们的向导 。
I guided him to his seat. 我把他领到他的座位上去 。
guitar [ɡ??tɑ?(r)] n. 吉他
gun [ɡ?n] n. 枪;炮
Look out, he has got a gun!小心,他拿着枪呢!
habit[?h?b?t] n. 习惯;习性
be in/fall into/get into the habit of doing sth. 有(养成)做某事的习惯
He is not in the habit of drinking a lot. 他不习惯于多喝酒 。
I’ve got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.
我已养成了一到家就打开电视的习惯 。
hair [he?(r)] n. 头发
hair band 发带
hair clip 发卡
haircut n. 理发;发型
That’s a nice haircut. 那个发式很漂亮 。
You should have a haircut. 你该理发了 。
half [hɑ?f; (US) h?f] a.& n. 半,一半,半个
I divided the apples into halves. 我把苹果分成两半 。
half past one 一点半
hall [h??l] n. 大堂;会堂;礼堂
in the hall 在大厅
hamburger [?h?mb??ɡ?(r)] n. 汉堡包
hand [h?nd] n. 手;指针
hand in 交上来
The teacher asked the students to hand in their papers.老师叫学生将试卷交上来 。
hand out 分发;发放
They are having out emergency things. 他们正在分发紧急物品 。
handbag [?h?ndb?ɡ] n. 女用皮包;手提包
handsome[?h?ns?m] a. 英俊的
hang(hung/hanged,hung/hanged绞死) [h??] v. 悬挂;吊着;把……吊起
hang out (俚语)闲逛;闲荡
happen [?h?p?n] vi. (偶然)发生
You'll never believe what happened to me today at school.
你永远不会相信我今天在学校发生的事 。
sth. happen to*** . 某人发生某事
If anything happens to him, let me know. 如果他发生什么事,就通知我 。
