不及歌曲歌词 不及歌词表达什么意思是什么意思是什么( 二 )

另一次恐惧情绪的快速增长出现在1998年至1999年,继而在2000年快速下滑 。
The study also showed that joy was a dominant tone in popular music lyrics during the late 1950s, but it decreased over time and became much milder in the recent years.
研究还发现,在上世纪50年代晚期,快乐是流行音乐歌词的主旋律,但随着时间的流逝,快乐的歌词越来越少,近年来表现趋平 。
An exception was observed in the mid 1970s, when joy expressed in lyrics increased sharply.
而上世纪70年代中期是个例外,歌词中的快乐情绪迅速上升 。
The study shows that the tones expressed in popular music change over time and the change is gradual and consistent, with a few exceptions.
研究发现,流行歌曲表达的情绪随着时间的变化而改变,这种改变是渐进和连贯的,其中偶有例外 。
Since the researchers*** yzed the most popular songs in each year, the study does not show that music changed, but that the preferences of music consumers have changed over time.
研究人员分析了每年的更流行歌曲,研究并未表明音乐在改变,而是音乐消费的偏好随着时间而改变 。
While music fans preferred joyful songs during the 1950s, modern music consumers are more interested in songs that express sadness or anger.
上世纪50年代的乐迷偏爱欢快的歌曲,而现代音乐消费者对表达悲伤或愤怒的歌曲更感兴趣 。
【不及歌曲歌词不及歌词表达什么意思是什么意思是什么】The findings appear in the Journal of Popular Music Studies.
这一发现发表在《流行音乐研究杂志》上 。
