bottle什么意思中文 bottle什么意思( 三 )

Miss Green plays the piano very well.
格林 *** 钢琴弹得很好 。
the Great Wall长城
the United States联合国
in the morning/afternoon/evening
the day after tomorrow后天
by the way顺便问一下
①在专有名词前,不用冠词 。
China, England, Class One, Grade One, Mike
②名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代词,不用冠词 。
There are some books on the desk.
Is that bag your?
③复数名词表示一类人或事物时,不用冠词 。
Both my uncle and my father are workers.
My parents all like cats.
④在星期、月份、季节、节日前不用冠词 。
March 8th is Women’s Day in chain.
⑤在称呼或表示头衔的名词前,不用冠词 。
Will Mr Green come today?
⑥在三餐饭和球类运动的名称前,不用冠词 。
It’s time to have lunch.
Let’s go and play football.
⑦在某些固定词组中,不用冠词 。
go to school, at home, go to college, in time等的名词前面不用冠词
介词通常用于名词、代词或名词词组之前,表示事物之间的关系,方位介词属于其中的一种,用来表示方位和地点 。常见的方位的介词有:at, in ,above, below, over, under, on, in front of, behind, beside, next to, between, among, opposite等 。
(1)at, in
作为方位介词,at后面通常加小地方,in后面通常加大地方 。如:
He arrives at school at seven every day.
他每天七点钟到达学校 。
(2)above, below, over, under, on
above和over表示“在……上面”,通常没有接触面;它们的反义词分别是below和under,都表示“在……”on是指在某物体的上面,一般有接触面 。如:
There is a wooden bridge over the swimming pool.
游泳池上有一座木桥 。
My football is under the bed.
我的足球在床底下 。
(3)in front of, behind
In front of是指“在……前面”,behind是指“在……后面” 。如:
Jim sits in front of her. 吉姆坐在她的前面 。
(4)beside, next to
这两个单词都表示“在附近,在旁边”,用法相同 。如:
Would you like to sit beside/next to me?
(5)between, among
between和among都表示“在……之间”,但between指两者之间,among指三者或三者以上的之间 。如:
【bottle什么意思中文bottle什么意思】I found this dictionary among these books. 我在这些书之中找到了这本词典 。
