孝亲敬老的外国名人名言,孝亲敬老的外国名人名言有哪些?( 三 )

7、慈母的心灵早在怀孕的时候就同婴儿交织在一起了 。——狄更斯
8、慈善行及至亲,但不应仅此为止 。——富勒
9、慈孝之心,人皆有之 。——苏辙
10、对孩子来说,父母的慈善的价值在于它比任何别的情感都更加可靠和值得信赖 。——罗素
11、凡为父母的,莫不爱其子 。——陈宏谋
12、父母的爱应该是这样的:它能激发起孩子对周围的世界,对人所创造的一切关心,激发起他为人民服务的热情 。——苏霍姆林斯基
13、父母的美德是一笔巨大的财富 。——贺拉斯
14、父母和子女,是彼此赠与的更佳礼物 。——维斯冠
15、父母者,人之本也 。——司马迁
孝亲敬老名言: 1、孟子曰:“不得乎亲,不可以为人;不顺乎亲,不可以为子 。”
出自(春秋)《孟子离娄上》 。释义:孟子说:“(在舜的眼中看来)儿子与父母亲的关系相处得不好,不可以做人;儿子不能事事顺从父母亲的心意,便不成其为儿子 。”
2、孟子曰:“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼 。”出自(春秋)《孟子梁惠王上》 。
释义:孟子说:“尊敬自家的长辈,推广开去也尊敬别人家的长辈;爱抚自家的孩子,推广开去也爱抚别人家的孩子 。”3、孟子曰:“亲亲,仁也;敬长,义也 。”
出自(春秋)《孟子尽心上》 。释义:孟子说:“亲爱父母亲,便是仁;尊敬兄长便是义 。”
4、孟子曰:“人人亲其亲,长其长,而天下平 。”出自(春秋)《孟子离娄上》 。
释义:孟子说:“只要人人各自亲爱自己的双亲,各自尊敬自己的长辈,那么,天下自然就可以太平了 。” 5、劳苦莫教爹娘受,忧愁莫教爹娘耽 。
出自《劝报亲恩篇》 。释义:不要让父母受苦受累,不要让父母分担你的忧愁 。
6、亲所好,力为具;亲所恶,谨为去 。出自(清)李毓秀《弟子规》 。
释义:父母喜好的东西,子女要尽力为他们准备;父母厌恶的东西,要谨慎地为他们去掉 。7、亲有过,谏使更 。
恬吾色,柔吾声 。出自(清)李毓秀《弟子规》 。
释义:父母有过错,劝他们更改 。要面带笑容,语调柔和 。
3有关于尊老爱幼的英语名言警句1, the old I old, as well as an old person; David I the young, as well as the young person. (Mencius)
2, rely on Taishan to ultra-North Sea, this can not and non-should not do so; for the elderly, broken branches, is should not do so, non-can not and. (Zhuangzi)
3, Chen no grandmother, no even today; grandmother, no minister, no to the final years. Two great-grandfather, but also phase of life. (Li Mi)
4, who made grass-inch heart, reportedly had three Chunhui. (Meng Jiao)
5, will pull out of clothes send, did not return lean Ge Wang. (Huang Zun-xian)
Care for the young make a more harmonious family
1, Zi Xiao parent heart width. (Chen Yuan Liang)
2, old age, as young as happy bar! Young people, like Lark, has its morning song; old age, like the nightingale should have his Nocturne. (Kant)
3, maternal hands of line, wandering body clothing. (Meng Jiao)
4, the mother's heart is children's paradise. (Italian proverb)
5, I looked at the cradle, my son grow up, I have no right to rest! (Jose Marti)
Care for the young to reflect the individual qualities
1, old age and respected, is the best of the human spirit as a privilege. (Stendhal)
2, respect for the elderly is a natural and normal, respected not only in words, and should be reflected in practice. (戴维德克尔)
3 pairs of parenting rewards of grace, but also the respect for human labor. (Proverb)
4, education and skills, all the secret also lies in how to care for children. (Suhomlinski)
5, instead of criticizing the child, it is better to be a role model. (Joubert)
Care for the young focuses on caring
1, must come up with their parents all the love, all wisdom and all the talent in order to train great people to come. (Makarenko)
2, there is no love of the parents who nurtured, often flawed person. (Makarenko)
3, children of the obligation to support and assist parents. (Proverb)
4, do you feel sympathy for the elderly fell to the ground, in your wrestling when no one came to help. (Indian Proverb)
5, using beatings to educate their children, but the educated and the great apes is similar to its offspring. (Makarenko)
Care for the young should start with*** all things around us
1, heartless not necessarily true hero, pity the child how not to her hu *** and. (Lu Xun)
2, Do not make your beloved son to stay in your side, let him go out to exercise only renowned the world over. (Thailand proverb)
3, to a child, my move to be very moderate and cautious. (Marx)
