移门欲就山当枕 , 迁居常将水作琴 。
莺声到此鸣金谷 , 麟趾于今步玉堂 。
家居绿水青山畔 , 人在春风和气中 。
里有仁风春意永 , 家余德泽福运长 。
基实奠定千秋业 , 柱正撑起万年梁 。
燕过重门留好语 , 莺迁乔木报佳音 。
红日高照新居户 , 喜花常开幸福家 。
迁居新逢吉祥日 , 安宅正遇如意春 。
里有仁风春日永 , 家馀德泽福星明
日照新居添锦绣 , 花栽园圃吐芬芳 。
庆乔迁合家皆禧 , 居新宅世代永安 。
地久天长门有喜 , 年丰人寿福无边 。
门迎春夏秋冬福 , 户纳东西南北祥 。
新屋落成欣主赐 , 高堂筑就乐神恩
栋宇连云子孙愿 , 华堂耀日父母心
![乔迁祝福语](https://minzuwang.com/aiimage/ 英文乔迁祝福语.png)
前面小编为大家介绍了那么多乔迁祝福语 , 你们是不是想知道这些祝福语用英文怎么说呢?下面小编就为大家选择了一些 , 这些英文乔迁祝福语送给大家 。
燕贺新禧 莺歌阳春
Yan happy new year the spring
新春迁新宅 福地启福门
Spring move new house blessed land Kai Fuk door
春风杨柳鸣金屋 晴雪梅花照玉堂
Spring Yang Liuming very clear snow plum according to the jade Hall
春风丽日开画栋 绿柳红花掩门庭
Spring on the open their painted ridges and green willow safflower mask gate
上林春色早 乔木知音多
Forest spring arbor salon much earlier
宛转莺歌金谷晓 呢喃燕语玉堂春
In a whisper from the Yu Tangchun valley of dawn
新家好生活 , 真心老朋友——祝贺你乔迁之喜!
The new home of the good life, really old friends -- congratulations best wishes for your new home!
里有仁风春日永 家馀德泽福星明
In the spring of permanent home rest benevolence Deze Fuxing Ming
小楼上下皆春意 新第旁围多睦邻
The upper room is new article is surrounded by many good spring
祝贺你 , 搬新家了 , 愿你的生活越过越好!
Congratulations, moved to a new house, may your life better!
阳光明媚 , 东风送情 , 喜迁新居 , 德昭邻壑 , 才震四方!
Sunny, Dongfeng presents, Xiqianxinju, Noriaki adjacent valley, just shake all directions!
喜延明月长登户 自有春风奉扫门
Like the moon landing door has long extension spring was sweeping the door
莺迁仁里 , 燕贺德邻 , 恭贺迁居之喜 , 室染秋香之气
Warbler migration kernel, Yan He Delin, a move to joy, dyeing Chou-heung gas chamber
Congratulations. Congratulations. Moving to a new home!
春风堂上新来燕 香雨庭前初种花
Spring hall new Yan Xiang Yu pretrial preliminary flowers
仁风春日照 德泽福星明
Ren wind spring sunshine Deze Fuxing Ming
燕筑新巢春正暖 莺迁乔木日初长 英文乔迁祝福语
Yan Zhuxin nest spring warm warbler migration at the beginning of Arbor Day
门前绿水声声笑 屋后青山步步春
The sound of laughing behind the castle door step by step spring
庭树花开莺声送喜 阶兰秀茁燕翼贻谋
Family tree flowers voice send hi order Lan Xiu Zhuo hand down a good plan to posterity
春临福宅地 福载善人家
Spring load good family homestead blessing blessing
新屋落成逢新岁 春风送暖发春华!
The new house was completed on the new warm wind sends chunhua!
近水楼台先得月 向阳花木早逢春
A waterfront Pavilion gets the moonlight first; the flowers and trees on the sunny side meet spring earlier
“良辰安宅 , 吉日迁居” , 幸福的生活靠勤劳的双手创造!
" Most Ataka, auspicious, happy life to" rely on laborious both hands creation!
![乔迁祝福语](https://minzuwang.com/aiimage/ 乔迁祝福语相关网友经验谈.png)
网友解答:是当官还是庶民?当官的上联是;大人大官大权才能住大屋 , 下联是;显高显贵显圣唯吾最显赫 。横批;一人当道庶民的上联是;低人低薪低工才进住低屋 , 下联是 小厨小厕小厅唯有挤小房 。横批;鸡犬相闻
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