
情景交际在初中英语学习中占有比较重要的地位 , 从初一开始 , 一直到中考 , 历次考试都有它的身影 , 因此 , 同学们一定不要忽视对它的学习 。
1.谈论颜色(Talking about color)
◆-What color is it?这是什么颜色?
-It’s red.红色 。
◆-What’s you favourite color, Jenny? Jenny , 你最喜欢什么颜色?
-My favourite color is blue. 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色 。
◆ -How many colors do you like? 你喜欢多少种颜色?
-Three. 3种 。
2.谈论年龄(Talking about age)
◆-How old are you? /What’s your age? 你多大年纪了?/你几岁了?
- I’m fourteen years old.我14岁 。
◆ She is very young.她很年轻 。
3.谈论规格(尺寸)(Talking about size)
◆What size does your friend wear? 你朋友穿几号的衣服?
◆It’s too big /small.它太大/小了 。
◆I think he is the same size as Brian.我想他和Brian穿一样大小的衣服 。
4.谈论材料(Talking about materials)
◆Is your shirt made of cotton? 这件衬衫是棉制的吗?
◆ What’s the table made of?桌子是用什么做的?
【复习|初一英语期末复习:情景交际用语常考8种类型】◆Straw hats are made from the stems of grass plants.草帽是用草的茎做的 。
◆He made a large wooden ship. 他造了一艘大木船 。
5.问候 /打招呼(Greeting)
◆-How are you ? 你好吗?
---I’m fine, thanks.很好 , 谢谢 /very well ,thank you.我也很好 , 谢谢/just so-so也过得去
◆-Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 !
-Nice to meet you, too.见到你也很高兴 !
◆good morning/good afternoon/ good evening! 早上/下午/晚上好 !
◆hello/hi! 你好 !
6.介绍(Introducing people)
◆my name is ….. 我是 ….
◆I'm a student/worker.我是一名学生/工人
◆this is Mr/Miss…..这是….先生/小姐
◆I'd like you to meet…. 我想让你认识….
◆may I introduce …..(to you)?请允许我向你介绍…, 好吗?
◆how do you do? 你好?
◆nice/glad/pleased to see you.很高兴认识你
7.告别(Saying Good-bye)
(1)告别时 , 客人表示要离开的客气用语
◆I think it's time for us to leave now.我想我们该离开了
◆I am sorry I have to go now.对不起, 我该走了
◆I am afraid that I must be leaving now. 恐怕我得离开了
◆goodbye!/bye-bye ! 再见
◆good night!再见
◆see you later/then/soon/tomorrow.一会儿见/明天见
◆thank you(very much).谢谢
◆thanks(thank you)for… 因…...谢谢你
◆Many thanks.非常感谢 。
◆I appreciate your help 我非常感谢你的帮助 。
◆it's very kind/nice of you你真是太好了 。
◆thanks a lot.多谢!
◆not at all.不用谢 。
◆that's all right/ok.不用谢 。
◆you 're welcome.不用谢 。
◆it's a pleasure.不客气 。
◆Don't mention it. 不客气
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