

考研初试已经结束了 , 放松一段时间后 , 考研的小伙伴们 , 就要准备复试了!

很多学校复试的时候 , 会对英语的听说能力进行考察 , 英语复试一般不外乎这么几个环节:
1 ,自我介绍 , 这个环节会在10-15分钟左右 ,
2 ,抽签 , 然后翻译 , 老师会根据内容进行提问 。
3 ,随机抽取即兴话题 , 个人发挥 。
4 ,导师们会在一旁考察 , 作为判断考生英语口语、交际能力的依据 。
当然 , 不同学校的复试形式都各有不同 , 但基本上都是上面四种方式的混合 , 而其中 , 自我介绍环节是必考 , 而且是最容易准备的 , 今天就给大家带来了一些自我介绍的流程模板 , 大家可以适当参考 。

自我介绍由“基本信息+读研原因+本科期间的优势+仰慕之情+结束语+3-5分钟”构成 。
一般来说基本信息要包括:姓名、年龄、家乡、本科学校、就读专业 。 例如本喵找到的这份示例:
Good morningdear professors.早上好敬爱的教授们 。

My name isWang Dandan. I am 25 years old.And I come from Xian Shaanxi Province. I'm warm-hearted and very easy to get along with.我叫王丹丹 , 今年25岁;来自陕西-西安 , 一个热心且容易相处的人 。
It was when I entered the Southeast University 4 years ago that I officially became a student majoring in Road and Bridge Engineering.四年前 , 我正式进入东南大学 , 成为一名道路与桥梁工程专业的学生 。

Through studying Professional knowledge and reading books involving relevant specialty I find myself gradually obsessed with the charm of this major and would like to make some contributions in this field.通过对专业知识的学习和相关专业书籍的阅读 , 发现自己逐渐被这个专业的魅力所吸引 , 并想在这个领域做出自己的贡献 。
进一步介绍想要读研的原因:比如对专业感兴趣、渴望深造学习等等 。
At the same time I realize that until now what I have learned is far from enough for this targetso I take it necessary to continue my learning in this field that is I choose to go further with my study to achieve a master' s degree.同时 , 我也意识到 , 目前为止我所掌握的知识还远远不够 , 认为自己很有必要继续深造学习 , 所以选择继续读研 。
这时 , 请不要掩盖自己的闪光点 , 把它们全部讲给导师:所获得的奖项、参加的竞赛等等 。
During the four years in this beautiful collegeI have been studying very hard and was granted scholarship several times such as National Encouragement scholarship and Mathematics curriculum Award.在东南大学的四年学习时间里刻苦学习 , 我曾多次获得国家励志奖学金、数学课程奖等奖学金 。

In addition I participated in various subject competitions actively such as The Zhou Peiyuan Mechanics Competition for College Students Structural contestMechanical contest Mathematical model competition and CAD skills competition.此外 , 我也积极参加各种学科比赛 , 如周培源大学生力学竞赛、结构竞赛、机械竞赛、数学模型竞赛、CAD技能竞赛等
【试题|考研复试流程,以及自我介绍模板来了】Last but not least I am easy-going open-minded and warm-hearted thereforeI have established good relationship with my classmates.我这个人很随和开朗 , 和同学们的相处也很融洽 。

As is well-known Southeast University is an outstanding college with perfect academic atmosphere and highly qualified faculty.众所周知 , 东南大学是一所拥有完美学术氛围和高素质师资的优秀学院 。
