宣布水平在于文章内容话题讨论及其总体目标阅读者 , 在绝大部分的学术研究创作中 , 语言偏宣布 。 非正规的的健身培训一般用以个人信函、短消息、及其了解的合作伙伴中间 。 在挑选宣布水平的情况下 , 文章内容前后左右一定要一致 。 我们看来一个事例 , 大伙儿最先看一下难题在哪儿:
Once a pitcher for the Blue Jays,Jorge shared with me the secrets began of his trade.His lesson commenced with his famous curveball,implemented by tucking the little finger behind the ball.Next he elucidated the mysteries of the sucker pitch,a slow ball coming behind a fast windup.
改动以后:Once a pitcher for the Blue Jays,Jorge shared with me the secrets began of his trade.His lesson began with his famous curveball,thrown by tucking the little finger behind the ball.Next he revealed the mysteries of the sucker pitch,a slow ball coming behind a fast windup.
原因大家都了解 , 这类语言通常是因为一些原有的成见(stereotypes) , 大伙儿看一下下边的事例:
After a nursing student graduates,she must face a difficult state board examination.【并不一定的护理人员全是女士】
Running for city council are Boris Stotsky,an attorney,and Mrs.Cynthia Jones,a professor of English and mother of three.【Mrs.及其mother of three这种语言是没有必需的】
有一些性别歧视倾向的语言来自落伍的传统式 , 例如:
A Journalist is motivated by his deadline.【如今一般应用his or her , 可是更强的改动方式是应用复数:Journalists are motivated by their deadlines.或是更改叫法:A Journalist is motivated by a deadline.】
有很多词自身就性别歧视倾向 , 这种专有名词现早已更改 , 更为中性化(括弧里是更为中性化的词):
congressman(member of Congress,representative,legislator)
mailman(mail carrier,postal worker,letter carrier)
to man(to operate,to staff)
policeman(police officer)
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