生活|?初中英语 | 30篇英语满分作文范文,涵盖初中英语写作所有话题,期末备考必看!( 三 )

5. 感受:每个人都很累 , 但都很高兴 , 因为…
注意:1. 报道须包括所给内容要点 , 要求语句通顺 , 意思连贯;
2. 第5要点的内容须用至少2句话展开合理想象 , 作适当发挥;
3. 词数80个左右 。
Walk for children in poor areas
Not long ago, our school organized a charity walk to raise money for children in poor areas.
It was on Saturday, 23 rd October. We walked from the school to the center of the city. Before the walk, we grouped ourselves into a team of four and planned everything well. It was hard (tough) work. But during the walk, we supported and helped each other. With the help of many people, we raised over (more than) 50,000 yuan in the end.
We all felt tired, but we were very happy. Because it was a meaningful experience and it was an excellent chance to learn team spirit.
“保护环境 , 人人有责” , 你想成为一名绿色使者吗?请行动起来吧!其实 , 环保就在我们身边 。 请以“How to Be a Greener Person” 为题 , 写一篇短文 。
1.表达清楚 , 语句通顺 , 意思连贯 , 书写规范;
2.短文词数90 左右 。 文章开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 。
参考词汇:draw, both sides of the paper, plastics, water tap, collect, waste, can, sort
How to Be a Greener Person?
It’s our duty to protect the environment around us.
How to be a greener person
It’s our duty to protect the environment around us.
When we go to school, we should ride a bike or take a bus. When we go out for activities, we shouldn’t step on the grass. We can’t draw everywhere. When we go shopping, we’d better use a cloth bag. At home, we can save water and electricity. When we leave a room, we should turn off the lights. At school, we can collect waste paper and recycle things, such as bottles, cans, and plastic bags. We shouldn't listen to pop music or spit in public.
Let’s do something to protect our environment.
“灿烂星空 , 谁是真的英雄?”做出惊天动地业绩的人是英雄 , 为追求真理献出生命的人是英雄 , 在平凡岗位上默默奉献的人是英雄……

一.Dr Norman Bethune
1.Nationality(国籍): Canada
2.Hobby: taking photos
3.Main stories: saved a lot of Chinese people; opened hospitals; invented medical tools
二.Liu Xiang
1.Nationality: China
2.Hobby: singing
3.Main stories: won the first
4.Olympic gold medal in the men's 110m hurdles event in Athens; set a world record in the same event in Lausanne
从上面信息卡中选择一位英雄 , 以The Hero in My Heart为题写一篇短文 。
要求:①包含所选信息卡上的内容;②适当拓展 , 如学英雄的感想、行动等;③不能出现表明你身份的信息;④词数80左右 , 不含已给出部分 。
The Hero in My Heart
As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts. For me,
The Hero in My Heart
As we know ,most people have heroes in their hearts. For me, Dr. Norman Bethune is the hero in my heart. He was a great doctor from Canada.
Dr Bethune was good at performing operations. And taking photos was his hobby. In 1938 ,he came to China. He opened hospitals and invented medical tools. He worked so hard that he saved thousands of Chinese people. He didn’t stop to take care of his own injured hand and died.
I am deeply moved by his stories. So I’ll work hard today and do my best to help others.
The Hero in My Heart
As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts. For me, Liu Xiang is the hero in my heart. He is a famous Chinese sportsman.
