动词的分类 动词有哪些( 二 )

5. “have to”表示“不得不”、“必须” 。
We’ll have to leave now for it is very late at night.
have to的疑问形式是:助动词+…+have to,
否定形式是:助动词+not+have to或者用needn’t.
如:Do you have to stay until 8 o’clock?(百思特网你得呆到8点钟吗?)
You don’t have to do so.(=You needn’t do so.)(你不用这么做)
6. shall在问句中,可表示征求对方意见,与第一人称连用;在陈述句的第二、三人称的主语后或表示“命令”、“警告”、“允许”等 。
如:Shall we go to the zoo this weekend?(我们这个周末去动物园好吗?
He shall bring his own book next time.(他下次必须带自己的书来)
7 should可表示“劝告”、“建议”、“惊奇”等意思 。
We should speak to old people politely.(我们应该礼貌地对老人讲话)
8. will表示“意愿”、“决心”等意思,一般与第二人称连用 。
如:Will you please close the door for me?(请你替我把门关上好吗?)
I will teach you a lesson.(我要教训你一顿)
9. would表示过去的“意愿”、“决心”等 。
He would sit near the fire every time he returned home.(每次他回到家中总要坐在火炉边)
would也可以表示现在的情况,表达说话人向对方提出的要求,语气比“will”婉转、客气 。在日常会话中,“我想要…”通常用“I would like to”或“I should(I’d) like to”来表示 。
如:Would you like to have a rest at the moment?(你现在想要休息一下吗?)
would还可以表示过去经常发生的事情 。
如:Every year parents would tell their children about t百思特网he boy who would save his people.
10. need表示“需要”,用于疑问句或否定句 。“need”作实义动词时,在肯定、否定、疑问句中都可以用 。
如:He needn’t do it in such a hurry.(他不需要如此匆忙地做这件事)
He needs some help.(他需要一些帮助)
He doesn’t need to bring his football socks then.(那么他就无须带上足球袜了)
11. dare是“敢”的意思,用法几乎与“need”完全相同,即在疑问句和否定句中,可以作情态动词,后百思特网面用不带“to”的动词不定式 。在肯定句中和实义动词一样,后面的动词不定式要带“to” 。
How dare you say I am a fool?(你竟敢说我是个傻瓜?)
He didn’t dare to touch the red button.(他不敢触碰那个红色的按钮)
12. ‘d better (do)(“最好是”)一般也当作情态动词使用,否定式是:’d better not (do).
如:You’d better sit here and say nothing.(你最好坐在这儿不讲话)
You’d better not speak because he is sleeping.(你最好不要讲话因为他正在睡觉)
【动词的分类 动词有哪些】
