范文|如何写好一篇Dissertation Proposal?附范文解析( 四 )
【范文|如何写好一篇Dissertation Proposal?附范文解析】殊不知 , library-based dissertation因为欠缺固定不动的有关methodology的基础知识 , 学生们在写这一部分情况下一般只有依据分别的毕业论文题目充分发挥 。 可是大家只需记牢一点那便是methodology一部分是用于告知老师你是怎样准备来进行整篇文章毕业论文的 。 最重要的是:1) , 确立你将怎样执行literature review的全过程;2)怎样梳理和剖析这种搜集来的学术研究材料;3)你是根据哪种方法来得到自身的科学研究結果的 。 只需把握住这几个方面 , methodology的一部分就不容易出現大的难题 。
This paper is a library-based dissertation using secondary research methodology.To be consistent with the breadth of this dissertation's research questions,an inductive methodology is selected to help me review the literature that related to the contemporary situation and problems of Chinese tax policy concerning the new energy automobiles.
According to Wolfswinkel et al.(2013),the method for rigorously reviewing literature involves five phases:1)determine the scope of the literature review,2)research previous literature,3)identify the literature that fit the research objectives,4)analyze chosen samples,and 5)report the research outcomes.
Since we have already determined the scope of the dissertation,to be insistent with the research scope,an extensive literatu rereview will be conducted.The university library,Google scholar,SSRN will be the primary sources of literature along with other available databases that may also provide additional information.
Through analyzing the producing and selling situation of the industry and combining the contemporary tax policy,the deficiency of the tax policy concerning the new energy automobiles will be indicated.Then,this dissertation will analyze the precise issues of the tax policy according to the upstream and downstream of the industry and the respective links including the research link,the sales and purchase link and the after-sales link.
Secondly,this dissertation will examine the tax policy of the new energy automobiles in developed countries such as America and Japan,especially the merits of these countries'preferentialtax policy.The support of the government including the fiscal subsidies and tax support are essential to help an emerging industry step into normalization and socialization.
China could benefit from acquiring insights from more seasoned economies and accumulate more experience for designing effective tax policies.Finally,this dissertation will provide recommendations for the Chinese government to further optimize the new energy vehicle tax policy.
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