
7月15日 , Adobe发布了《2021年全球表情符号趋势报告》 , “笑哭”表情符号成为全球最流行的表情符号 , “点赞”和“红色爱心”表情位列二三名 。
The "laugh out loud" face is officially the world's most popular emoji, according to researchers from Adobe (ADBE) who surveyed 7,000 users across the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Australia, and South Korea.
软件制造商Adobe的研究人员对来自美国、英国、德国、法国、日本、澳大利亚和韩国的7000名用户进行了调查 , 结果显示 , “笑哭”表情符号成为全球最流行的表情符号 。
The "thumbs up" emoji came in second, followed by the "red heart" emoji. The flirtatious "wink and kiss" and "sad face with a tear" emojis respectively rounded out the top five.
“点赞”表情位列第二 , 其次是“红色爱心”表情 。 挑逗的“眨眼亲亲”表情和“流泪”表情也进入前五名 。
The software maker on Thursday released the findings from its 2021 Global Emoji Trend Report ahead of World Emoji Day on Saturday.
在7月16日世界表情日到来之前 , Adobe于7月15日发布了《2021年全球表情符号趋势报告》调查结果 。
Adobe's latest Emoji Trend report also examined the three most misunderstood emojis in the world. The "eggplant" symbol edged out the "peach" and the "clown" emojis respectively as the most confusing for users.
这份最新的报告分析了全球最让人迷惑的三种表情符号:“茄子”险胜“桃子”和“小丑” , 成为最让网友感到困惑的表情符号 。
The vast majority of emoji users (90%) believe the modern-day hieroglyphs make it easier for them to express themselves. Eighty-nine percent of respondents said emojis simplify communicating across language barriers. And 67% said they think people who use emojis are friendlier, funnier and cooler than those who don't.
【表情符号|2021表情符号趋势报告:“笑哭”最受欢迎,“茄子”最令人迷惑】绝大多数表情符号用户(90%)认为这种现代图像符号让他们更容易表达自己 。 89%的受访者表示 , 表情符号简化了跨语言障碍的交流 。 67%的人认为使用表情符号的人比不使用表情符号的人更友好、更有趣、更酷 。
A slight majority of respondents said they are more comfortable expressing emotions through emojis than talking on the phone or in-person. More than half of global emoji users (55%) said using emojis in communications has positively impacted their mental health.
略微超过半数的受访者表示 , 用表情符号表达情感比打电话或当面交谈更舒服 。 全球超过一半的表情符号用户(55%)表示 , 在交流中使用表情符号对他们的心理健康产生了积极影响 。
Seventy-six percent of those surveyed said emojis are an important communication tool for creating unity, respect and understanding. And 88% said they feel more empathetic toward people who use emojis.
76%的受访者表示 , 表情符号是促进团结、尊重和理解的重要沟通工具 。 88%的人说他们对使用表情符号的人更容易产生共鸣 。
