方式|留学生要想写好Expository Essay该怎么做?

Expository Essay说白了就是密文 , 很有可能留学生朋友们在中国学习培训的情况下毫无疑问读过这类优秀作文 , 可是到出国留学碰到Expository Essay应该怎么写呢?有什么创作常见问题呢?

方式|留学生要想写好Expository Essay该怎么做?

Expository Essay的界定 Expository writing is a type of writing that is used to explain,describe,give information,or inform.The text is organized around one topic and developed according to a pattern or combination of patterns.The writer of an expository text cannot assume that the reader or listener has prior knowledge or prior understanding of the topic that is being discussed.
说明文是一种用于表述、叙述、出示信息内容或通告大家的健身培训 。 文章内容应紧紧围绕着一个主题风格开展机构 , 并依据一种或多种多样方式进行 。
有关尊称 Second-person pronouns may be used in such writing,if needed.For example,in a how-to essay a writer may choose to personalize the instructions with"you".However,the use of first-person pronouns should be avoided.Expository essays will not reveal the opinion of the writer.
提醒:若有必须 , 原文中可应用第二人称代词 。 另外应尽量减少第一人称的应用 , 由于该健身培训不可体现创作者的个人见解 。 关键方式
Expository writing appears in and is not limited to letters,newsletters,definitions,instructions,guidebooks,catalogues,newspaper articles,magazine,articles,pamphlets,reports and research papers.
文章内容特性 ---Focus:main topic
---Logical supporting facts including details,explanations,and examples---Strong organization and logical order
---Clarity,unity and coherence
简单点来说 , 便是要确保内容的合理性、表明的逻辑性和语言的精确性写作技巧
Since clarity requires strong organization,one of the most important mechanisms to improve skills in exposition is to improve the organization of the text.The patterns shown below are frequently used to create an expository essay.Additionally,more than one pattern may be used within an expository essay.
要学习培训expository essay创作 , 就务必在文章内容组织架构和说明方法上狠下功夫 , 不清楚expository essay写作结构的同学可以先看这里:http://www.baydue.com/news/writingskills/159.html 。 下边的创作方式很有可能对你有一定的协助 。
Expository Essay创作方式有哪些? 1.描述法
The author describes a topic by listing characteristics,features,and examples.Cue words include“for example,characteristics are”,etc.根据例举特性或是举例说明来开展叙述 。
The author lists items or events in numerical or chronological order.Cue words include“first,second,third;next;then;finally”,etc.应用数学课或是先后顺序来例举客观事实 。
The author explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different.Cue words include“different,in contrast,alike,same as,on the other hand”,etc.表述2个(及之上)的事情中间有什么类似和不一样 。
4.Cause and Effect因果关系法
The author lists one or more causes and the resulting effect or effects.Cue words include“reasons why,if...then,as a result,therefore,because”,etc.例举一个或好几个缘故以及造成的结果 。
5.Problem and Solution难题及解决方法法
【方式|留学生要想写好Expository Essay该怎么做?】The author states a problem and lists one or more solutions for the problem.A variation of this pattern is the question-and-answer format in which the author poses a question and then answers it.Cue words include“problem is,dilemma is,puzzle is solved”,etc.阐述一个难题并例举一个或好几个解决方法 。 可应用问答法 。
