|英语趣味阅读:Magellan and the Pacific Ocean

【|英语趣味阅读:Magellan and the Pacific Ocean】
|英语趣味阅读:Magellan and the Pacific Ocean

Magellan and the Pacific Ocean麦哲伦和太平洋的故事
In 1518 ,Magellan went to see the king of Spain to ask for ships and men . He wanted to go the East Indies by sailing west. In 1519 He left Spain with five ships.
After about three months the ships came to an ocean. The ocean was calm. Magellan named it Pacific (peaceful).
Finally the ships reached the East Indies. His men wanted to go home the way they came but the wind drove them west. When they arrived in Spain they had sailed around the world.
翻译: 1518年 , 麦哲伦去见西班牙国王 , 他希望国王给他船只和人 。 他想通过向西航行到达东印度群岛 。 1519年 , 他带领五艘船离开了西班牙 。
大概三个月后 , 船只到了一片海洋 , 海洋风平浪静 , 于是麦哲伦把它命名为太平洋(意思是平静) 。
最终船只到达了东印度群岛 。 他的手下想按照来的时候的路线回家 , 但是 , 风吹着他们向西航行 。 当他的手下回到西班牙的时候 , 他们已经绕了世界一圈完成了世界航行 。
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