

首先主语是指动作的发起者或执行者 , 当一个从句在主从复合句中作主语成分时 , 就称之为主语从句 , 引导主语从句的词称之为引导词或连接词 。
That Tom got the first place in the class made Linda happy. Tom获得班上第一名 , 让Linda很开心 。 (Tom got the first place 为主语从句 , That为引导词)
(一)that(that在主语从句中只起连接作用 , 无实际意义 , 不作成分)
1.that主语从句放句首(这类主语从句中 , that不能省略)
ThatTom will go home on National Day makes his parents happy. Tom国庆节回家 , 这让他父母感到很开心 。 (That引导主语从句Tom will go home on National Day )
2.that主语从句后置(这类主语从句中 , it作形式主语 , 真正主语是that引导的主语从句 , 此时that一般也不能省略 , 非正式有时会出现省略)
①It suddenly occurs to Tom thathe forgot to feed the cat. Tom突然想起他忘记喂猫了 。 (it作形式主语 , 真正主语是that引导的主语从句he forgot to feed the cat)
②It is important thatwe learn English well. 学好英语是很重要的 。 (it作形式主语 , 真正主语是that引导的主语从句we learn English well)
③It is a good ideathatwe will go fishing tomorrow. 我们明天会去钓鱼 , 这是个好主意 。 (it作形式主语 , 真正主语是that引导的主语从句we will go fishing tomorrow)
④It is reported that it is going to rain tomorrow. 据报道 , 明天会下雨 。 (it作形式主语 , 真正主语是that引导的主语从句it is going to rain tomorrow)
(二)if/whether(if/whether在主语从句中起连接作用 , 翻译为\"是否\" , 不作成分 , 不能省略)
1.更常用whether主语从句 , 放句首或后置 , if主语从句只能放在it 作形式主语时的后置从句 。 ①Whether Linda will come to Guangzhou is not sure. Linda是否会来广州 , 还不确定 。 (whether引导主语从句Whether Linda will come to Guangzhou)
②Whether you succeedor notdoesn't matter. 你是否成功并不要紧 。 (whether引导主语从句Whether you succeed or not)
③It is doubtful whether/ifTom will arrive here on time tomorrow. 明天Tom是否能按时到这儿 , 还不能确定 。 (it作形式主语 , 真正主语是whether/if引导的主语从句whether Tom will arrive here on time tomorrow)
(三)其他连接词(起连接作用 , 根据具体词翻译对应意思 , 主要作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语)
1.连接代词: what whatever who whoever whose which whichever...
①Whatwe don't have always attracts us. 我们没有的东西总是会吸引我们 。 (what引导主语从句What we don't have , 此时what在主语从句中作宾语)
②Who will win the match is not sure. 谁将赢得比赛还不知道 。 (who引导主语从句Who will win the match , 此时who在主语从句中作主语)
2.连接副词: why when whenever wherewherever how...
①Whenthe train will arrive has been announced. 火车什么时候到 , 已经公布了 。 (when引导主语从句When the train will arrive , 此时when在主语从句中作状语)
②Whenever you come is welcomed. 随时欢迎你来 。 (whenever引导主语从句Whenever you come , 此时whenever在主语从句中作状语)
①It is necessarythat we should learn English well.  我们学好英语是必要的 。 (it作形式主语 , 真正主语是that引导的主语从句we should learn English well)
②Tom thinksit necessarythat we should learn English well. Tom认为我们学好英语是必要的 。 (it作形式宾语 , 真正宾语是that引导的宾语从句we should learn English well)
