S.H.E|使用频率非常高的 since,你是否彻底掌握它的用法( 二 )

1、since 后面跟时间点或从句 , 若后面接从句 , 则一般用一般过去时 , 例如:
In 2013 I was asked to direct the company’s promotional film. I had not done anythinglike that since I worked in TV advertising in 1993.
2013年 , 我被要求指导公司的宣传片 。 自从1993年我在电视广告公司工作以来 , 我从未做过这样的事 。
When I arrived I realised that they had been in the meeting since 9 am.
当我到达时 , 我意识到他们从早上9点就开始开会了 。
2、当 since 从句描述的是一个从更早的过去持续过去的某个时间点的一个状态时 , since 之后的从句用过去完成时 , 例如:
It had been 20 years since I had directed any kind of film.
我已经20年没有执导任何一部电影了 。
三、可以在 since 前面加 ever 来强调 since , 例如:
Our two senior partners have known each other ever since they were at primary school.
我们的两个老搭档从小学就认识了 。
He moved to London in 1994 and he has been living there ever since.
他1994年搬到伦敦 , 从此一直住在那里 。
四、since 不用来表示现在、将来或一般的时间描述 , 用 from , 例如:现在:
我们希望办事处从现在开始运作 , 最迟在六月底开始运作 。
错误:We want the office to start operating since now or by the end of June at the latest.
正确:We want the office to start operating from now or by the end of June at the latest.
今天晚上7点起我就在酒吧里 。
错误:I’ll be in the bar since 7 o’clock this evening.
正确:I’ll be in the bar from 7 o’clock this evening.
许可证发放程序自提交申请之日起不得超过90天 。
错误:The licence-granting procedure should not take longer than 90 days since the submission of the application.
正确:The licence-granting procedure should not take longer than 90 days from the submission of the application.
五、since 不用于一个时间段 , 用 for , 例如:
如果承租人拖欠三个月的房款 , 房东可以立即终止本协议 。
错误:The Landlord may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if the Tenant is in arrears with payments since three months.
正确:The Landlord may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if the Tenant is in arrears with payments for three months.
虽然我们通常希望在提出申请后6周内作出决定 , 但索赔人现在已经等待了10周 。
错误:Although we would usually expect a decision within six weeks of making an application the Claimant has now been waiting since ten weeks.
正确:Although we would usually expect a decision within six weeks of making an application the Claimant has now been waiting for ten weeks.
六、不用 since … to/until , 应该用 from … to/until , 例如:
他从2003年到2006年在微软工作 。
错误:He worked at Microsoft since 2003 to 2006.
正确:He worked at Microsoft from 2003 to 2006.
他从胜任的那一刻起一直在这家公司工作到退休 。
错误:He worked at the company since the moment he qualified until his retirement.
正确:He worked at the company from the moment he qualified until his retirement.
七、since 作副词 , 译为“自…以后 , 从…以来;此后 , 后来” , 与现在完成时或过去完成时连用 , 例如:
He left home two weeks ago and we haven't heard from him since.
他两周前离家外出 , 我们至今还没有他的音信 。
We were divorced two years ago and she has since remarried.
我们两年前离了婚 , 之后她又再婚了 。
