

1、你越努力你的运气就能越好 , 你越付出 , 你最终的成果就会越来越高 。 因为机会只为有准备的人而产生 。

The harder you work the better your luck will be. The more you give the higher your final result will be. Because opportunities are only for those who are prepared.
2、不分昼夜地努力上进 , 是为了实现当初那个被寄予厚望的自己 。

Day and night efforts to progress is to achieve the original high expectations of their own.
3、不曾辜负过每个朝阳 , 不曾荒废过每个深夜 , 因为平凡而奋斗 , 因为奋斗而不平凡 。
Never failed every sunrise never wasted every night because ordinary and struggle because struggle and extraordinary.
4、世上最可贵的两个词 , 一个叫“认真” , 一个叫“坚持” , 认真的人改变自己 , 坚持的人改变命运 。
There are two most valuable words in the world one is \"serious\" and the other is \"persistence\". Serious people change themselves and persistent people change their destiny.
5、放弃很容易 , 但坚持一定很酷 , 人生一次 , 怎愿甘拜下风 。
It's easy to give up but it must be cool to stick to it. Once in a lifetime how can you be willing to give up.
6、如果你想要更好的未来 , 就从当下开始努力 。 你只需相信 , 若盛开 , 清风自来 。
If you want a better future work from now on. You just need to believe that if it is in full bloom the breeze will come.
7、努力了才叫梦想 , 不努力的就是空想 , 你所付出的努力 , 都是这辈子最清晰的时光 。
It's a dream to work hard. What you don't work hard is fantasy. All your efforts are the clearest time in your life.
8、生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤 , 可是后来 , 那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方 。
Life always makes us black and blue but later those injured places will become our strongest places.
9、虽然我们都很平凡 , 但是我们要学会勇敢 。
Although we are ordinary we should learn to be brave.
10、努力这件事 , 嘴上三分 , 心里十分 , 说多了油腻 。
Try to do this mouth three points heart very much said too much greasy.
11、请记住 , 真正让你走远的 , 是你的努力和自律 。
Please remember what really makes you go far is your efforts and self-discipline.
12、生活是灯 , 工作是油 , 若要灯亮 , 就得加油!
Life is the lamp work is the oil if you want to light up you have to refuel!
13、眼泪不是答案 , 拼搏才是选择 。 只有回不了的过去 , 没有到不了的明天 。
Tears are not the answer struggle is the choice. Only can't go back to the past not to the tomorrow.
14、有结果无论如何都比没有结果要好 , 而且无论结果如何 , 努力过了 , 就不后悔 。
The result is better than no result in any case and no matter what the result is if you have worked hard you will not regret it.
