铜川|B2 U2单词, 词组,词汇拓展与课文挖空

铜川|B2 U2单词, 词组,词汇拓展与课文挖空

ancient adj.____________
competitor n.____________
medal n.____________
△mascot n.____________
Greece n.____________
Greek adj.____________
__________n.志愿者adj.志愿的;  v自愿
【铜川|B2 U2单词, 词组,词汇拓展与课文挖空】____________n.祖国;本国
______adj. 规则的;定期的;常规的
basis n.____________
athlete n.____________
________vt. & vi. 容许;承认;接纳
slave n.____________
____________adv. 现今;现在
gymnastics n.(pl)____________
△athletics n.(pl)____________
Stadium n.____________
gymnasium (gym) n.____________
____________vt. 做东;主办;招待n.主人
____________n. 责任;职责
△olive n.____________
△wreath n.____________
motto n.____________
swift adj.____________
△similarity n.____________
__________vt. & vi.收费;控诉n.费用;主管
physical adj.____________
fine vt.____________
poster n.____________
____________vt. & vi. 做广告;
△princess n.____________
glory n.____________
____________vi. 讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货
△prince n.____________
_________adj. 没有希望的;绝望的
____________adj. 愚蠢的;傻的
△goddess n.____________
____________n. 疼痛;痛苦
____________vi. & vt. 应受(报答惩罚);值得
1 ancient  adj. _________
modern  ________
in modern society_________
2. compete  v._____________
competition  n. ___________
competitor n. ___________
competitive adj.____________
3. take part in  ___________
join in_________
join sb./组织in doing ___________
attend v. ___________
4. medal n. _____________
gold medal  ___________
silver medal_________
bronze medal  __________
5 . stand for    ____________
represent v.__________
stand by ____________
stand out ____________
6. Greece  n.  ____________
Greek adj. _______ pl. _________
7. magical  adj.  ____________
magic  n. ___________
8 . volunteer   v.  _______ n. ______
volunteer to do _________
I'd like to apply for the position as a volunteer in the Games.
9. homeland n.  ___________
motherland  n.___________
10. regular  adj. ___________
on a regular basis 按例行的惯例
11. basis  n.  _______ (pl. bases)
base  v. n. ________
basic adj. ________
12. athlete n.   __________
athletic  adj.________
athletics n.________
13. admit  v.     ________过去式________
admit doing(having done)________
admit sb. to be ________
admit sb. into /as________
permit doing________
permit sb. to do ________
allow sb. to do ________
allow doing ________
allow sb. in___________
14. slave n.   ____________
slavery n.________
15. nowadays adv. ________
these days ________
16. gymnastics n.  ___________
gymnasium  n. ________
17. as well   ____________
too ________
also ________
either ________
as well as________
18. host v.   _______n.________
hostess n.________
19 . responsibility n.___________
take responsibility for________
responsible adj.________
be responsible for __________
