

I can't enter your fairy tale and you don't want to enter my story.
我不能进入你的童话故事 , 你也不想进入我的故事 。
I want to give you happiness but I can't enter your world. I want to exchange my world tickets to your world but that's just my wishful thinking.
我想给你幸福 , 但不能进入你的世界 。 我想交换我的全世界通往你世界的门票 , 但那只是我一厢情愿的想法 。
You gave me the dream of summer in winter but spring awakened me. Suddenly do not adapt but feel colder than winter but do not blame you
冬天你给了我夏天的梦想 , 但春天唤醒了我 。 突然不适应 , 反而觉得比冬天更冷 , 但不怪你
In fact whatever you want to do is quiet. There is no need to emphasize how difficult it is to achieve this. (great).
事实上 , 想做的事就安静下来 。 不必反复强调实现这种事有多难 。 (太棒了) 。
Many times I certainly don't think so but I can't control myself and say the opposite. Whenever I see the sky I don't like to say it again. Whenever I talk I dare not look at the sky.
很多时候 , 心里肯定不这么想 , 但控制不住自己 , 说相反的话 。 每当我看到天空 , 我就不喜欢再说 。 每当我说话的时候 , 我都不敢看天 。
The day you left I decided not to cry and stared and blinked in the wind.

你离开的那天 , 我决定不流泪 , 迎着风瞪大眼睛眨眼睛 。
Happiness that no one shares is not true happiness. The pain that no one shares is the most terrible pain.
没有人分享的幸福并不是真正的幸福 。 没有人分享的痛苦是最可怕的痛苦 。
Those who tear their hearts will eventually pass by stroke by stroke.
撕裂心脏的那些人最终会一笔一划地过去 。
Mom said that half of what I found in Thailand were monsters!
妈妈说我在泰国捡到的 , 一半是妖怪!
Feel disappointed and collapsed feel desperate numb life has no hope.
感到失望和崩溃 , 感到绝望 , 麻木 , 生活没有希望 。
My heart began to collapse and deal with the right and wrong of many people.
我的心开始崩溃 , 应对了很多人嘴里的是非 。
Naturally in a word how desperate and unwilling I am if you understand. (Bernard Shaw).
自然地 , 用一句话来说 , 我多么绝望和不甘心 , 如果你理解的话 。 (萧伯纳) 。
The wound of the soul disappearing doesn't know who the tears are flowing for.
灵魂消失的伤口不知道眼泪也不知道为谁流 。
People can live happily but we can choose complexity sigh provoke disputes fall in love and cover up all our mistakes.
人可以幸福地生活 , 但我们自己可以选择复杂 , 唉声叹气 , 挑起争端 , 相爱 , 掩盖一切错误 。
Love is so short forget so long.
爱情那么短 , 忘记那么久 。
Autumn is the season of perfume. Many stories and people are entangled together in a casual way. When they say \"Miss\" silently they always come to such a cool autumn. When they look back they find their way is so cool. (William Shakespeare Hamlet hope) the past of Fenghua snow moon is unforgettable and the years of hard running are vivid.
