and|雅思写作如何写出高分的开头段?( 二 )
题目中的“computer”就圈定了大主题——科技 , 而“used more and more in education”则把范围限定在了“教育中使用电脑越来越多“的情况 , 供考生讨论其优缺点并给出自己的立场 。
只有把二者结合 , 正确识别出题目想问的真正意思才能表达出自己的态度 , 比如下面两个例子:
Ⅰ. Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. Do you agree or disagree?
就要在观点句中明确表达自己的观点:同意、部分同意还是不同意 , 然后围绕限定范围”increasing the price of petrol“、”the best way“来给出↓↓↓
This essay disagrees that the best way to resolve increasing pollution and congestion problems is to raise the cost of fuel.
Ⅱ. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
观点句中要同时体现话题的优点和缺点 , 并就双方的占比给出鲜明的观点↓↓↓
The principal advantage is that exposing children to languages as early as possible leads to higher levels of proficiency later in life and this outweighs the main disadvantage of young children being overwhelmed by too many subjects.
当然 , 除了上面给出的句式 , 还有多种句型大家都可以选择 , 比如:
■ The main cause(s) of this issue is…..
■ There could be several reasons why
■ I completely agree with this view
■ While I accept that...I believe that...
重点不在于使用的语法有多么复杂 , 而是要让句子清晰明了地展露自己的观点 , 给考官最直观的冲击力哦!
以上就是在雅思大作文一开头就让考官感觉到炸裂的方法!不知道同学们平时是不是这样练习的呢?如果还没有掰正过来的话 , 赶紧按照掌柜说的试试哦!可以让同学们用最快的速度弄懂题目的含义 , 并且写出让考官鼓掌的开头段 , 给写作7分开一个好头!
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