

Bicycles and Low Carbon Life自行车与低碳生活Bicycles are a kind of convenient transportation.
自行车是一种非常方便的交通工具 。
Speaking of bicycles our country China was once called \"the kingdom of bicycles\" .
提起自行车 , 我们的国家中国曾一度被称为“自行车王国” 。
In the 1990s almost every family in China has one or two bicycles.
上世纪90年代 , 中国几乎每个家庭都有一到两辆自行车 。
Nowadays family cars are gradually replacing bicycles.
如今 , 家用汽车正逐渐取代自行车 。
At present our government appeals to people to live low-carbon life.
目前 , 我国政府呼吁人们过低碳生活 。
They want to put people back on the bicycles and also make cycling popular cool again.
国家想让人们重新骑上自行车 , 也想让骑自行车变得流行、炫酷起来 。
So bicycles back to people’s life.
于是自行车又回到了人们的生活中 。
In fact most people live not far away from where we work or study.
事实上 , 我们绝大多数人都居住在离我们工作或学习之处不远的地方 。
So we are easy to go to work or school by bike.
所以我们骑自行车去上班或上学是一件很容易的事情 。
Riding bicycle is also a kind of good exercise which can help people keep fit.
骑自行车也是一种很好的运动 , 它可以帮助人们保持健康 。
Additionally bicycles are not so expensive that every family in China can have one.
此外 , 自行车并不是非常昂贵 , 中国每个家庭都可以拥有一辆 。
Actually it now is.
事实上也的确如此 。
Now each family has at least a bicycle taking place of the car.
现在 , 每个家庭至少有一辆自行车用来代替汽车 。
What’s more our country has a population of more than 1400 million.
更何况 , 我们国家有14亿多人口 。
A great energy is saved and alleviated serious air pollution because of low carbon life.
低碳生活节约了大量能源 , 缓解了严重的空气污染 。
Living low carbon life starts from me
低碳生活从我做起 。

小学英语双语作文写作练习、双语阅读系列 , 适合家长辅导孩子 , 以提升孩子英语写作水平 。 每日新鲜出炉 , 绝无重复 。 多为随笔 , 雅俗共赏 。 中英分离 , 方便编辑 , 拿来可用 。 宝爸宝妈们 , 为了孩子 , 努力吧 。
