雅思|雅思口语丨英语口语活学活用:Positive Attitude积极的态度( 二 )

That’s life!
eg.You know sometimes I make these mistakes
有时候 , 我会犯这些错
especially if I'm typing really quickly
and that's life!
It happens!
9.Decide that someone is a failure and not worth doing anything about
把某人视作 。。。 而不放在眼里
Write someone off(as ...) ...
eg.It was so easy to just write the critics off as haters

1) Attitude : personality style of thoughts
ex:Little Billy has the right attitude: if he fails he tries again.
小比利对事物保持端正的态度 , 如果他失败了 , 就会重新再来试一次 。
2) Productive : good helpful
有成效的 , 有用的
ex:It is productive to always look on the bright side of things
始终以乐观的态度看待事物是很有帮助的 。
3) Positive : productive yessure
ex:Are you positive you saw my girlfriend with another man?
ex:The teacher's report was very positive.
老师的报告非常客观 。
4) Qualities : traits behavior
ex:My good qualities include my experience my computer skills and my ability to get along well with others.
我的优点包括我的经历 , 电脑技巧和我与他人相处的能力 。
5) Visible : able to be seen often seen
ex:Clinton has been a very visible president.
克林顿已经成为一个经常露面的总统 。
ex:The new worker has many visible good qualities.
新来的工人有许多显而易见的优点 。

Gordon: My old friend how's business?
戈登:老朋友 , 生意进展得如何了?
Molly: Things couldn't be better. I had a productive interview yesterday and I am sure they are going to give me the job.
莫莉:情况可能会好一些 。 我昨天进行了一个面试 , 我肯定他们会聘我 。
Gordon: You always have a positive attitude. That is great. I wish I could find a job.
戈登:你总是乐观地对待事物 , 这样很好 。 我希望我也能找到一份工作 。
Molly: Hang in there. And try to keep a positive attitude. Always look on the bright side of life.
莫莉:等等看 , 保持积极乐观的态度 。 要始终找到生活中好的一面 。
Gordon: I don't have a job but I do have a lot of free time to find new girl friends.
戈登:我现在没有工作 , 可是我有很多空闲时间找到一些女朋友 。
Molly: Or you can use your free time more productively by studying.
莫莉:或者你也可以更积极地利用你现有的空闲时间 , 做点有意义的事 , 学习进修 。
Gordon: I guess getting a job is good motivation.
戈登:我猜找一份工作是个激动人心的动力 。
Molly: Plus girls like guys who have jobs a little better. You need money to buy flowers right?
莫莉:而且 , 女孩子更喜欢男孩子有工作 。 你需要钱来买花 , 是吧?
Gordon: I see your point. I guess it does pay to have a positive attitude.
戈登:我明白了 。 我猜要想保持乐观的态度还得花代价 。
Molly: That's right if you keep smiling and working hard you will achieve all your goals.
莫莉:对了 , 如果你努力工作而且笑容满面的话 , 你就会实现你所有的目标 。
Gordon: Even my secret goal of getting you to become my wife?
Molly: No way. I guess there are some things that can't be changed by positive attitudes but most other things can!
