








考研英语一向是很多考生的拦路虎 。 不少考生因为英语没过线而饮恨考场 。
但是英语中有个非常奇葩的题目 , 完形填空 。 这二十道题目总价值十分 , 但是需要花费大量的时间和精力 , 而且平均分也低得可怜 , 往年都在3分徘徊 。
堪称整个英语中性价比最低的题目了 。

所以很多时候 , 完形填空一般是最后才做的题目 , 甚至在极端情况下 , 时间不足可以不用做 , 直接蒙就完事了 , 说不定还比你认真做对得多!
高频词我们先来看看在英一和英二中近些年中出现过的高频正确选项 。

众所周知 , 这些连词意思相近 , 很多时候都难以选择 。 与其在纠结中浪费时间 , 不如直接把这些高频词背下来 , 看到无脑选就行!
选项分布那剩下的选项该怎么办呢?咱们来分析分析ABCD四个选项分布情况(注:存在花卷情况 , 但整体个数差异不大)

以英一为例 , 从2010到2021年的真题会发现 , ABCD几乎平均分布 , 偶尔个别年份会差一两题!这样一来 , 剩下的题目可以按照这个规律来猜 。
逻辑题逻辑题是完形填空里面考的比较多的 , 大概有3~7个题目会是逻辑题 。
逻辑题的特点是 , 只需要看这一句话就能做题 , 一般不太需要联系上下文 , 做起来很省时间 。
1. 并列关系and and also or neither…nor… either…or… not only…but also… likewise similarly equally in the same way that is to say as well as same…as… vice versa parallel with
2. 递进、强调关系also then again besides additionally in addition furthermore moreover what is more indeed actually in effect in fact above all notably.
3. 因果关系
后接原因句子because for since as considering that seeing that given that in that now that on the grounds that lest
后接原因名词或名词短语due to thanks to in response to on account of because of by virtue of in the light of for this reason according to attribute…to…; put sth. down to; ascribe to as a result of result from
后接结果thus hence therefore so so…that… such…that… in order that as a consequence consequently accordingly as a result
后接结果名词或名词短语result in lead to contribute to; give rise to
4. 转折、让步关系but however yet unfortunately although though for all (that) even if even though even nevertheless despite/in spite of (the fact that) regardless of much as anyway anyhow;
否定前缀:not rare hardly scarcely seldom few little -less -free un- im- dis-
5. 列举(顺序)、举例关系
列举:first\\second\\last of all in the first place\\in the second place\\finally to begin(start)with\\ to continue\\last but not least first……then on (the) one hand……on the other hand for one thing……for another one……another some……others……still others previously lately
举例:such as for example for instance to illustrate as an illustration to take an example more specifically speaking namely including.
6.对比关系while whereas compared with unlike contrarily on the contrary by/in contrast contrary to as rather than instead of not…but….
