秋裤是什么梗 秋裤是什么意思

秋裤是什么梗  秋裤是什么意思

秋分已过,全国各地陆续进入秋天模式 。秋天穿秋裤,是对降温最基本的尊重 。
今天就来看看“秋裤”英文怎么说 。反正肯定不是“autumn pants”.
● long johns ●
秋裤的正确说法是"long johns" 。是不是让人感到困惑,觉得“图文不符”?long表达长的,用于区别短的内衣 ***,还比较好理解 。那么johns为什么会出现在这里呢?
关于"long johns"的来源,有这样一种说法 。《 *** 》的一篇文章曾有报道,long johns一说来源于19世纪美国一位名叫约翰?L?沙利文(John L ? Sullivan)的拳击手 。当年这位重量级选手喜欢 *** 上身,穿着长 *** (long underpants)打比赛,因而才有了long johns的说法 。
需要注意的是,long johns既可以表示“秋裤”,也指包括上半身在内的整套秋衣秋裤 。单指秋衣时,可用"long john top",单指秋裤时,可用"long john pants" 。
● 例句 ●
Long johns are warm underpants with long legs.
秋裤是保暖的长 ***。
Long johns are warm underpants with long legs down to the ankles.
秋裤是长至脚踝的保暖的长 ***。
● thermal underwear ●
对于成套的秋衣秋裤,英语里也可用thermal underwear(保暖内衣)来表达 。
● 例句 ●
Prepare for snowy, winter weather - insulated boots, jacket, and gloves; layered clothing; thermal underwear; and wool socks and hat are required.
请准备好冬天多雪天气的装备——保暖靴、夹克、手套、带夹层的外套、保暖内衣、羊毛袜和帽子都是必须的 。
Long underwear, also called long Johns or thermal underwear, is a style of two-piece underwear with long legs and long sleeves that is normally worn during cold weather.
长款内衣,也叫long johns或thermal underwear,是一种上下两件的带有长裤腿和长袖的内衣,通常在寒冷时节穿 。
● jumpsuit ●
连体裤是夏秋时节的时尚单品,对应的英文是jumpsuit 。
牛津词典中,对这个单词的解释是:a piece of clothing that consists of trousers/pants and a jacket or shirt sewn together in one piece, worn especially by women (由裤子和夹克或衬衫缝制而成的一件衣服,尤指女性穿的) 。
● 例句 ●
The baby, dressed in a flowery jumpsuit, waved her rattle.
宝宝穿着印花的连身衣,挥动着她手中的拨浪鼓 。
The black-and-white jumpsuit she wears is designed by Russian designer Ulyana Sergeenko.
她穿着的黑白连身裤是由俄罗斯设计师乌利亚娜·谢尔坚科设计的 。
● leggings ●
打底裤和紧身裤也是秋天很多女孩子会穿的,兼具保暖和美观的特点 。Leggings 指的是 trousers/pants for women that fit tightly over the legs, made of cloth that stretches easily(女士穿的紧裹在腿上的裤子,由易于伸展的布料制成) 。
● 例句 ●
She is wearing tight black leggings and a baggy green jersey.
她穿着黑色紧身裤和宽大的绿色运动上衣 。
She was stick-thin, in tight, black leggings, a short black leather jacket and a beret over her long black hair.
她像棍子一样瘦,穿着很紧的黑色的裤子,一件很短的黑色皮质夹克衫并且在她的黑色长发上,带了顶贝雷帽 。
● tights ●
紧身裤、紧身 ***
另一种秋冬常穿的衣物就是连 *** 了 。近年来,除了女生,许多男生也进行了尝试,穿过都说好,又保暖又舒适 。
Tights的英文释义为:a piece of clothing made of very thin cloth that fits closely over a person's hips, legs and feet (一种非常薄的布做成的衣服,紧贴在人的臀部、腿和脚上) 。
● 例句 ●
Readers can view extreme close-ups of items including ladies'tights, the surface of the human tongue and the beautiful scales on butterfly wings.
读者能够看到各项物品的大特写,其中包括女人的紧身衣、人类舌头的表面和蝴蝶翅膀上的美丽鳞屑 。
He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing around on a stage in tights.
一想到儿子身穿紧身衣在舞台上神气活现地走动,他就感到震惊 。
