Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
A. More frequent.
B. More attractive.
C. More successful.
D. More straightforward.
A. Too few managers ever do it.
B. It can be useful in certain circumstances.
C. Experts are sometimes unwilling to give opinions.
D. It can help to have a whole grasp of the complex system.
A. They may rely too much on details.
B. They may ignore some necessary information.
C. They can’t get in touch with employees.
D. They may not have access to the whole thing..
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
A. A writer.
B. A journalist.
C. A story-teller.
D. A photographer.
A. The ability to judge whether a story is true to the fact.
B. The ability to keep in mind the importance of a deadline.
C. The ability to research the sense of smell professionally.
D. The ability to inform people of the missing parts of the story.
A. They might fail to be capable note-takers.
B. They might concentrate too much on details.
C. They might be lacking in the trick of the trade.
D. They might have no idea what to ask later.
A. To promote the process of interviews.
B. To keep the evidence.
C. To challenge the content of recordings.
D. To assess the information journalists need to know.
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