



雅思作文中使用高级词汇和短语是加分项 , 但如果词汇和短语用得不好就会适得其反 。 要是想实现短期提分 , 除了一定要找能给我们查漏补缺的老师 , 更好掌握雅思写作高分句型及模板 。

A or B which one do you agree with? Give specific reasons for your answer 。
(AB 表示供选择的两种观点 。 Do C 指题目中提及的某件事情 。 如:some people prefer A in order to Do C 。 )
As for the question that which is better A or B different people have different opinions. A has its advantages but at the mean time it has many disadvantages 。
In my point of view I would prefer B. First of all (1) 支持 B 的原因之一 。
For example (2) 举例说明支持 B 的原因之一 。
Another reason is that (3) 支持 B 的原因之二 。
The third reason however goes this way: (4) 支持 B 的原因之三 。
So from what has been discussed one can reach only this conclusion that (5) 重申观点 。

Some people believe A they point out the fact that (1) 人们支持 A 的原因 。 However other people believe B. They hold that (2) 人们支持 B 的原因 。
As far as I’m concerned I prefer A. As we all know (3) 我支持 A 的原因之一 。
I remember (4) 举例说明 。
In addition (5) 我支持 A 的原因之二 。
On the other hand (6) 从反面论证 A 的优势 。
Last but not least (7) 我支持 A 的原因之三 。
As a matter of fact there are also some disadvantages in A, such as (8) 举例说明 A 的劣势 。 But these can be compensated by its advantages 。
There are two different views on the matter of DOING C. Some people believe that (1) 支持的观点 A 。
【雅思|有效学习雅思写作高分模板及常见雅思写作高分句型】By thisthey argue that (2) 进一步阐述观点 A 。
For example(3) 举例说明 。
Others hold on the other hand that (4) 反对的观点 B。
Furthermore(5) 进一步阐述观点 B 。
For instance(6) 举例说明观点 B。
Considering the views on the two sides I prefer to put weight to the pros rather than cons. personally (7) 我支持 A 的原因 。
这应该算是雅思写作中最常用的一种句型之一 , 适当地运用定语从句可以给你的文章增色不少 , 也是一个能使大家雅思写作拿高分的必备句型 。
例如 , 下面的这两个句子用上定语从句马上就变成了一个漂亮的复杂句 。
Bad books contain evil thoughts. In them there might be much description about violence superstition and sex 。
→ Bad books in which there might be much description about violence superstition and sex contain evil thoughts 。

在雅思写作高分句型当中运用的最多的是以下五种状语从句 , 即原因状语从句 , 让步状语从句 , 条件状语从句 , 时间状语从句和目的状语从句 。
1. 原因状语从句:常由because as since和for引导
Eg: Nonetheless I am still in favor of space travel for its merits far outweigh demerits 。
尽管如此 , 我还是赞成太空探险 , 因为它的好处远远大于坏处 。
2. 让步状语从句:常由although though even though/ if as long as和notwithstanding引导
