is|初一英语上册基础知识题精选100道( 二 )

65. Beijing is very ________(远). We have to go there by air.
66. Let's go _______(划船) on the river.
67. The monkeys climb up the trees __________(快).
68. September is the ________(九) month of the year.
69. Let's meet ________(在…...外面) the school gate.
70. Which month is hotter, _________(十月) or September?
71. We are going to have a party to ________(庆祝) Teachers' Day.
72. They are going shopping ________(一起) tomorrow.
73. Who' s _________(高), Lily or Lucy?
74. Who is the ________(年轻) in your class?
75. Our teacher comes into the classroom ________(拿着) a book in his hand.
76. I think his story is _________(有趣) of the three.
77. You must wait at home ________(直到) he comes back.
78. His door is closed, ________(没有人) is in.
79. The farmers ________(种) potatoes on this farm.
80. It's not a truck but a ________(拖拉机).
81. How many _________(星星) can you see in the sky?
82. Tom runs _________(快) than Jim.
83. John wants to ________(饲养) the animals on the farm,
84. Of all the animals, tigers are the _________(危险).
85. Tomorrow we are going to learn the _______(十二) lesson.
86. —Shall we go to the _________(电影院) this afternoon?
87. —How many _________(婴儿) deer are there?
88. Please ____(给…...看) me your new watch, I' d like to have a look.
89. Why don't we meet a little ______(早)? Let's make it 1:30.
90. Sheep and rabbits just eat _______(草).
91. Shall we go and see the clothes ____(表演) this evening.
92. He says we must keep our eyes _________(闭).
93. Can you show me the way to the _________(博物馆)?
94. My home is about three ________(公里) from our school.
95. You'd better ________(说) it in English.
96. I'm sorry he's not at home at the _________(瞬间,片刻).
97. I think it's very hard to travel _________(环绕) the big city.
98. There' s a lake _________(在…...内) the park.
99. We can't help him, he has to ask a _____(女警察) for help.
100. In a few __(月)time,it will be covered with green things.
1-5:students , classmates, Their, brother, bananas
6-10: oranges, women, everyone, its, clock
11-15: ours, animals, twins', favourite, schools
16-20: quarter, policemen, clothes, hundred, daughters
21-25: market, language, exercises, soldiers, teaches
26 -30: health, tomatoes, holiday, Canadians, dictionary
31-35: carefully, thirsty, knives, building, field
36-40: children, Tuesday, empty, zoos, else
41-45: broken, books, hungry, fruit, breakfast
46-50: pieces, swimming, throw, players, riding
51-55: watering, closes, meeting, important, bad
56-60: tells, wishes, having, hometown, Maybe/Perhaps
61-65: picnic, tired, cities, beautiful, far
66-70: boating, quickly, ninth, outside, October
71-75: celebrate, together, taller, youngest, with
76-80: the most interesting, until/till, nobody, grow, tractor
81-85: stars, faster, feed, most dangerous, twelfth
86-90: cinema, baby, show, earlier, grass
91-95: show, closed, museum, kilometres, say
96-100: moment, around/round, inside, policewoman, months'
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