possible merger
possible takeover
possible doubt
as as possible
possible leak
possible ground operation
possible power outage
1. He programmed his computer to compare all the possible combinations.
他给他的计算机编制了一套程序,以比较所有可能的组合 。
2. They agreed to work co-operatively to ease tensions wherever possible.
他们同意互相配合尽一切努力缓解紧张局势 。
3. It was imperative that he act as naturally as possible.
最重要的是他要做到尽可能自然 。
4. It's been a beautiful evening and you have made it all possible.
那是个美好的夜晚,你让一切成为可能 。
5. It is not possible to reposition the carpet without damaging it.
想要挪动地毯又不让它损坏是不可能的 。
6. Prisons are having to pack in as many inmates as possible.
监狱只好拼命往里面塞犯人 。
7. Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily.
尽量放松,保持平稳呼吸 。
8. I try to offend the least amount of people possible.
我尽量少得罪人 。
9. It's possible the Congress Party will scrape together a majority.
国大党可能会勉强获得多数票 。
10. This morning he had tried every way possible to contact her.
他今天早晨已想尽办法与她联系 。
11. The coffee-table is glass, to be as unobtrusive as possible.
那张咖啡桌是玻璃的,为的是尽量不惹眼 。
12. He manages a good deal better than I thought possible.
13. You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven.
荷兰烤箱能够做的食物之多会让你感到惊奇 。
14. Their aim will be to produce as much milk as possible.
他们的目标是尽可能提高牛奶产量 。
15. We need to get it back as quickly as possible.
我们得尽快把它拿回来 。
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