关于家乡的英语作文 关于家乡的英语作文带翻译范文

关于家乡的英语作文 关于家乡的英语作文带翻译范文

My hometown is in Ryan, it is a prosperous place.
The scene is very beautiful, Ryan: past skyscrapers, road traffic, feiyun river bridge is a steel dragon lying on the river, very spectacular. Beside it also built a highway bridge and feiyun river bridge. There are often traffic jams in spite of this, bridge, because we are so many cars in the city, almost every family has. Look at the side of the road, each with a smile, a well-fed, go out as long as a wave of his hand can sit for a taxi. The roadside store, so can business booming.
See this scene, in my mind, I couldnt help thinking of my father told me 30 years ago Ryan: garbage everywhere, mosquitoes fly fly everywhere, people wear clothes torn, and wore a brother or father wear, brother wear a younger brother... In the New Years day, can buy a less expensive dress. House is humble roof, one in rainy day, the home will be leaking. At that time, every family is not rich, as long as there is a black and white TV at home in rich family in the village, then often is twenty or thirty people in front of a television.
Think about before, see now, I cant help but sigh: my hometown has changed so much! We should cherish life now!
【关于家乡的英语作文 关于家乡的英语作文带翻译范文】2、翻译:
我的家乡在瑞安,那是个繁荣富强的地方 。
瑞安的景色非常美丽 ,一座座高楼大厦拔地而起,路上车水马龙,飞云江大桥犹如一条钢铁巨龙卧在了江面上,壮观极了 。在它的旁边还建起了一座高速桥和飞云江三桥 。尽管这样,大桥上还是经常堵车,因为我们这个城市里的车子实在太多了,几乎是家家户户都有 。再看看路边的人群,个个面带微笑,丰衣足食的样子,出门只要把手一挥,就能坐上出租车 。路边的专卖店数不胜数,可生意照样红火 。
看到此情此景,我的脑海里不由得想起爸爸跟我讲的30年前的瑞安:到处都是垃圾堆,蚊子苍蝇到处飞,人们穿的衣服破破烂烂,而且还是爸爸穿了哥哥穿,哥哥穿了弟弟穿 ……到了过年,才能买一件不怎么名贵的衣服。房子是简陋的瓦房,一遇上下雨天,家里就会漏水 。那个时候,每个家庭都不富裕,家里只要有个黑白电视就算得上村里的富裕人家了,那时经常是二三十个人围在一个电视前 。
想想以前,看看现在,我不禁感叹 :“我的家乡变化真大!我们更应该好好珍惜现在的生活!”
