We later had everything except each other.
【后来的我们经典台词 后来的我们经典台词 有什么】2、我最大的遗憾就是你的遗憾与我有关 。
My biggest regret is that your regret has something to do with me.
3、 林见清:我已经努力变成你想要的样子了 。
I have tried so hard to act the way you want.
方小晓:可我已经不是原来的样子了 。
But I am not the one I used to be.
4、重逢之时愿彼此都成为幸福的人 。
Hopefully, we will have found our own happiness by the time we meet again.
5、他能为你上九天揽月,下五洋捉鳖 。
He is willing to get you anything, be it the moon in the sky or a turtle in the ocean.
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