

用法:support作“忍受”解时,常用于否定句中,往往与can(could)或can't(couldn't)连用 。
短语:support for sth. 有关…的支持;support of/from sb. 来自…的支持;support sb./sth. 支持某人/某事;social support 社会支持;support structure 支撑结构;support service 支持服务;辅助服务 。
表达意思:鼓励,激励;鼓动,怂恿;刺激,促进 。
词性:通常在句中作动词,修饰主语或宾语 。
例句:You should encourage your child's attempts at self-expression.
对孩子表达自我的尝试,你应当加以鼓励 。
support是个兼类词,可用作动词或名词,且含义丰富,为此,特将其用法归纳如下 。
1. 支持,赞成
His family supported him in his decision.
She supports birth control.
2. 证实,证明是对的(真的)
He told us facts which supported his idea.
These results support my original idea.
3. 养(家)维持(生活)负担(费用)维持(坏习惯等)
It's difficult for him to support himself on such a small salary.
Air, food and drink are necessary to support life.
Our school is supported by the government.
He stole from his mother's savings to support his drug habit.
4. 支撑,负担(重量),托搀扶
Is the bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?
She stood up, supporting herself on the arms of the chair.
Bill had to support Jill or she would have fallen to the floor.
1. 支撑物(可数)
If you don't put a support under that roof it will fall down.
One of the supports of the bridge collapsed.
2. 支柱(可数)
I am the only support of my family.
3. 支持(不可数)
The plan was cancelled (取消) because of lack of support.
I thought I'd come and give you a little moral (道义上的) support.
4. 养家,赡养(不可数)
On her shoulders falls the support of the whole family.
1. in support of支持,证明 (作状语)
He even made some experiments in support of his views.
He spoke in support of the plan.
2. come to one's support来支持某人
Would you come to my support?
3. support sb. in sth. 在某方面支持某人
We support the police wholeheartedly in their work against crime.
